Custom menus



I have created a workbook for another user and there are limited functions
that they require. Hence, I have customized the toolbar and the menu
options available.

However, I am noticing that when I open other workbooks for personal use,
those SAME menu options have been carried forward to ALL of my workbooks.
Obviously, I need full menus and options for my other workbooks, but when I
load this workbooks on the user's computer, I need them to have limited
functionality on this particular workbook.

Question: How do I setup a custom toolbar that is carried along with the
specific workbook? When this user opens the workbook, I need them to have
the menus I have setup. Yet, when they open their other excel documents, I
need them to have their normal full menus.



Tom Ogilvy

that option ended with xl95. Now you have to write code that does that as
the action occurs. As the leave your workbook, you restore the menus with
your code. When you enter the workbook, you modify the menus to reflect
your requirements. This is controlled by programming the events that trigger
the action. If you are not familiar with events, see Chip Pearson's page
on Events


Tom -

Is there a link you can provide that is a good step-by-step instruction for
doing teh following:

1. Create a custom menu (I know how to create the memu, but it loads for ALL
of my Excel programs)
2. Save that custom menu as some "package" that can be loaded when a
specific workbook opens
3. Attach that "package" to a workbok so it can be distributed with that


Tom Ogilvy

No, because there is no custom package. You have to create it with code.

Here is an article which talks about attaching toolbars:

but I suspect that is what you do now, so it is only for completeness

Here is an article about creating commandbars with code:

Here is another article or two you might find useful:
These are about distributing applications
XL97: Sample Macros for Customizing Menus and Submenus
XL2000: Sample Macros for Customizing Menus and Submenus;en-us;166755
File Title: Customizing Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items in Microsoft(R)
Excel 97
File Name: WE1183.EXE
File Size: 58041 bytes
File Date: 06/20/97
Keywords: kbfile kbappnote
Description: This Application Note can help you learn techniques for writing
Visual Basic(R) for Applications code to customize menus in Microsoft Excel
97. This Application Note contains code examples that you can use with the
following elements: menu bars, menus, menu items, submenus, and shortcut
How to customize menus and menu bars in Excel

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