Currency Conversion/easy formula


annie j.

I am trying to convert ten pages worth of prices in Euros
into US dollars, and was wondering if there is an easy
way to do it. I installed the Euro Conversion Add-in,
but that has odd (old) currencies - Italian Lira,
Deutsche Mark, etc. There is no British Pound or US
Dollar option. I haven't worked with formulas before,
but was able to do single cell equations (by plugging the
currency exchange rate into a cell in one column and then
applying that cell's attributes to another cell) but need
to apply the conversion cell to an entire column. Thanks
in advance to anyone who can enlighten me as to a quick
and easy way to do this!

Peo Sjoblom


go here and get the rate


I just did, the above is dollars per euro.
Copy the euros to a help column (just in case you would screw up you would
still have the original)
Put the 1.17733 in a cell, copy it, select the euro range and di edit>paste
special and check multiply

Or use a help column and copy down adjacent


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