Critical Update for (KB870669) stopping FTP



After installing Critical Update for (KB870669) I have been unable to FTP into my various websites. I can enter the server and navigate, but am unable to upload or download. (This is all via IE6 XP).
I don't want to be exposed to the security hole the above update plugs but I must have FTP ability. Any Ideas?

Doug Knox MS-MVP

In Internet Options, go to the Advanced tab and uncheck the setting Use Passive FTP. Close all open IE/Windows Explorer windows and try again.

Doug Knox MS-MVP

Nothing comes to mind right now, other than uninstall the patch, temporarily, and see if FTP is restored. If so, then you'd have to submit a bug on it.

Kent W. England [MVP]

Doug said:
Nothing comes to mind right now, other than uninstall the patch,
temporarily, and see if FTP is restored. If so, then you'd have to
submit a bug on it.
Since disabling the is intended to prevent IE from
downloading (and executing) files on the local hard disk, this effect on
FTP is not unexpected.

I would recommend you switch to an FTP client.

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

Doug said:
Nothing comes to mind right now, other than uninstall the patch,
temporarily, and see if FTP is restored.

As far as I know. this update doesn't support uninstalling.

You can remove the effect of this fix with a simple registry edit,
see the "Important Notes" section (at the end) here for more on this:

How to disable the ADODB.Stream object from Internet Explorer

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