Convert cubic centimeters to fluid ounces and cubic centimeters



Originally, I asked for help with a formula to convert cubic centimeters to
fluid ounces and ccs. When the value of centimeters goes over 30 ccs (I know
this is not exact but is approx. 1 oz), I want the formula to convert to one
ounce. When the measurement gets to 32 ccs, conversion amount is 1 oz and 2
cc. On May 16, Toppers provided the following formula that has been working
great but now when it gets to 30 ccs it is not converting to an ounce; it
says 0 oz 30 cc. And when it gets to 30.75 ccs it converts to 1 oz and
0.74999999999957 ccs. I have the cells formatted to accounting and 2 decimal
places. Here is the formula that has been working perfectly: =INT(A1/30) & "
oz(s) " & MOD(A1,30) & " ccs"
Please, can someone help me?


Just found a hint, I think. If the cc increment divides equally into 30 with
no fraction left over, the formula works. My current work is using 4 ccs.
This number divided into 30 produces 7.5 - then the formula does not work.
Any ideas!


Give this a try:

=INT(A1/30)&" fl. oz., "&ROUND(MOD(A1/30,1)*30,2)&" cc."

For greater accuracy in the conversion, replace 30 with 29.57353


Hi Paul!
It works wonderful! Please accept my heartfelt thanks. I was afraid I would
have to do a lot of entry by hand typing the quantity. You just made my day!


Just out of curiosity, I (re)tried my formula with 30 and 30.75 and got the
same answer as Paul's, including 1 for 30cc. So don't understand why you

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