convert cubic centimeters to fluid ounces and cubic centimeters



Lewis Clark got my formula half-way there this morning. Thanks Lewis! If I
had been a bit more precise, I bet he would have told me the rest of what I
need to know. When my value goes over 30 cubic centimeters (I know this is
not exact but is approx. 1 oz.), I want to use a formula that will convert
the cubic centimeters to fluid ounces and cubic centimeters. When it gets to
60 cubic centimeters, I would like the formula to say 2 oz. In between the
ounces, I need the formula to calculate the ounces and cc's. Thanks so much
for anyone who can help!


.. ..... or

=IF(MOD(A1,30)<>0,INT(A1/30)&" oz(s) "&MOD(A1,30)&" ccs",INT(A1/30)&" ozs")


Toppers - sure hope you can help. I have been using the formula below and it
works grand. Today - and I have check the formula letter/space/etc. - and it
got to 30 ccs and would not put 1 oz. Instead it put 0 oz and 30 cc. Please
help if you can. Thanks!

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