Control Panel Items And System Properties Don't "Load"



Shortly after installing Service Pack 2 and an anti-virus checker, I was
infected with the Webus Trojan. I deleted the files and reversed the
registry changes. However, the virus stopped several services, including
windows update and my antivirus services. After searching through this post,
I was able to get the windows update service going again, but I am still
having some WEIRD problems which I don't know if stem from SP2 or the now
removed trojan.

The symptoms are this: When I right-click on My Computer and choose
properties, nothing appears. When I am in control panel and try to launch
ANY control panel item that is not just a shortcut, nothing happens. The
mouse goes busy for a second and then nothing. I've rebooted a million
times, checked for viruses, installed the latest updates, and nothing.

One last note is that I am able to load the individual control panel items
by going to the right directory in the command prompt and type "start

Any clues?

Thanks in advance!



Didnt you check the computer for virus before installing SP2.

now the virus has infected your computer so badly that you will have to use
the virus at the boot up to remove it from memory. see if you have a bootable
antivirus cd and u can use that to boot up the computer and then check the
boot memory for virus and remove it.

if not then you have the last option to format your computer and install it
from fresh. And remember this for ever, never run ur computer without a virus
scanner that has all updates.

M. Rajesh
..Net and Windows Shell MVP


Thank you for the input. I don't have a bootable cd to check the boot
sector. My computer had a virus checker installed and was up-to-date when I
got the Virus. It took Symantec two days to release a virus definition
update after they discovered the virus. Between the time the virus was
discovered and the time the update was release, I was infected. If you
believe that I can get updates before they are release, you are mistaken (I
know I am right because I checked the dates on Symantecs sites).

Besides, I'm not convinced it is the virus, Symantec's site does not report
any of these side effects for the Webus Trojan.


For anybody that may be experiencing the problem, it turns out the cause is a
virus. Symantec Antivirus (with updated definitions) could not detect or
remove this virus. I found it by checking my task manager and using
msconfig.msi to look at startup items. This particular virus (Protoride
worm) because it modifies the registry so that any .exe file that is run will
re-load the virus (which actually allowed me to find the virus).

Here is the key:


I think other viruses change this key (whichc is only run on startup):


I'm not sure what more one can do to detect and remove viruses if the virus
detector can't.

Good Luck!

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