Contact addresses



How do you get rid of the email addresses that auto fill in (whether it is on
or not) when you type a name even though the person is not in your address
book - this nether world of contact names (as a result of receiving their
email) has caused unnecessary delays - as I have to recheck the address prior
to sending.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

When the unwanted address appears, use the arrow key to navigate to that
entry and then press delete.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Prescottian asked:

| How do you get rid of the email addresses that auto fill in (whether
| it is on or not) when you type a name even though the person is not
| in your address book - this nether world of contact names (as a
| result of receiving their email) has caused unnecessary delays - as I
| have to recheck the address prior to sending.

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