Cleaning Hard Drives??


David of IC

How do I erase all the stuff from my old laptop PC's.....before donating
them to others?????

Shenan Stanley

David said:
How do I erase all the stuff from my old laptop PC's.....before
donating them to others?????

Answered in your multipost elsewhere...

However - I'll repeat with additions.

If you plan on DONATING these laptops (being they are laptops) you should
format and install the original softwarer on it - as it came from the
factory. Then donate it. Such an act will be fairly destructive to the
data contained on the drive.

Same way you would on old desktop PCs...

Using some zero-write application is the best way to ensure it is HIGHLY
unlikely anyone would be able to get *your* data off the system.
A sledge-hammer and drill-press can all but guarantee it.

One of the better/free utilities that can help you kill off the data:


David of IC said:
How do I erase all the stuff from my old laptop PC's.....before donating
them to others?????

plse can you tell me what type of donations you make? Am working with low income and and deprivation.

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