check box



I will like to insert a check box in a word document, i am using forms to do
this but i can only get the X box. and also i would like to double click on
the box and the check appear - not appearing an option box. Hope i am clear.

Stefan Blom

The Forms toolbar does not allow you to choose the type of check box;
you are stuck with the "X."

To make the form work, you must also protect the document. Here's how
(from Word 2003 Help):

1. On the Tools menu, click Protect Document.
2. In the Protect Document task pane, under Editing restrictions,
select the Allow only this type of editing in the document check box,
and then click Filling in forms in the list of editing restrictions.
3. To protect only parts of a form from accidental changes, click
Select sections, and then clear the check boxes of the sections
you don't want to protect.
Note To protect only parts of a form from accidental changes, those
parts must be in separate sections (on the Insert menu, click Break to
create section breaks).

4. Click Yes, Start Enforcing Protection.
5. To assign a password to the form so that others don't accidentally
change the form's display content, type a password in the Enter new
password (optional) box, and then confirm the password. Users who don't
know the password can still enter information in the form fields.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...



You could also try using the check box control from the Control Toolbox
toolbar. This does have a check mark. The controls are somewhat different
from the ones on the Forms toolbar, but if you're just using them for show,
they might do.


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