Change Computer Name


Bill M.

How can I change XP Pro from the default name on desktop (My Computer) to
one of my choosing? I have tried renaming from "Start" and right-clicking on
My Computer. That works but when computer is shut down and restarted it
reverts back to My Computer. Thanks.


Run regedit, drill down to
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}, rename
(backup) the value named *LocalizedString*, create a new REG_EXPAND_SZ value
named *LocalizedString*, and set the value to %username% or %computername%
or any string of your choice.


Hi, Bill -

This value is stored in the system registry. The only way I know of to
change it is to run regedit and edit the key directly. Editing your registry
can cause fairly serious problems with your PC if you're not careful, though
- so it might be a good idea to proceed with caution here.

Anyway, the default entry for "My Computer" is stored here -


Hope this helps -

Bill M.

Thanks to you both!
allan grossman said:
Hi, Bill -

This value is stored in the system registry. The only way I know of to
change it is to run regedit and edit the key directly. Editing your registry
can cause fairly serious problems with your PC if you're not careful, though
- so it might be a good idea to proceed with caution here.

Anyway, the default entry for "My Computer" is stored here -


Hope this helps -

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