can't see some images - no valid type associated


Dennis Dougherty

Here's the deal - I am looking at an ebay page. At the top
are several boxes (sorry I am not a windows programmer and
don't know proper term). Some are shown properly (e.g.
Browse) some are not (it says Search but it has a small
box within the box with a red x). Properties on the
browse button Are: browse.gif, protocol = HTTP, type
= "gif image" with an address to go to. Properties on
search box are searchOn.gif, protocol = HTTP, type not
available??? Also with an address to go to. Clicking
either one works inasmuch as I am liked to the given
address. In this case when I go to the respective pages
the same "buttons" appear on that page and in this case
the search button is clearly identified. This mix of
sometimes getting images and then not on the same page or
yes on first page - then none on the linked page is
prevalent in all my net searches and is DRIVING ME NUTS.
I have Norton personal firewall and have disable it to no
avail. I have McAfee virus scan and have disable it also
with no luck. I are running windows 98 with MS IE vers.
6.0.2800.1106IS which I had downloaded recently because of
previous errors with my prior version of IE and Outlook
express (don't get me started). Anyway all was fine until
about 3 months ago with my Internet "images" until one day
I was fixing a minor problem and inadvertently said yes to
an override on some settings file (don't know name and
can't replicate). After that all sorts of problems arose
with my DSL Internet connection, OE and IE. I restored
DSL, downloaded latest IE and fixed some defaults in OE
and all is now well except this annoying problem HELP

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