can't open link in outlook 2003



I'm sure this is going to be simple to solve but I just cant find the solution.
When clicking on a link from within an email, Internet Explorer opens but
doesn't go to the link destination but only to the homepage...When hovering
the mouse over the link there is a 'blocked' mention...So I changed the
security settings ('change automatic download settings' in options but that
didn't help) I thought adding the domain of the email sender to the safe list
would do the trick, but no.
I did a Detect and Repair (just in case) in outlook but that didn't help.
I'm out of ideas...
any help would be appreciated.


I'm sure this is going to be simple to solve but I just cant find the solution.
When clicking on a link from within an email, Internet Explorer opens but
doesn't go to the link destination but only to the homepage...When hovering
the mouse over the link there is a 'blocked' mention...So I changed the
security settings ('change automatic download settings' in options but that
didn't help) I thought adding the domain of the email sender to the safe list
would do the trick, but no.


Ecce homo!

GJ.Oomens said:
yes I've been at that site. but unfortunately, it didn't help. the issue

Only the sender can change this, as stated on that site.
It's added by the sender's copy of Outlook; the recipient can't adjust
settings to remove it.

The sender changed it and the links are still blocked?
thank you, Gerard, for helping me with this.

the user received an email from Techrepublic (among others that contain
links). When clicking any link within that email, he gets the behavior
described above in this thread. However, when I have him forward that same
email to me, the links in that email behave correctly, i.e. my I.E. goes to
the link destination.
I'm going to reinstall office. Hopefully this will solve it.

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