can't get i.e. or e-mail



We're using windows 2000 and we can't get our email or on to Internet
Explorer. On our other computer, it is working fine. Both computers are
hooked up to the same modem.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
If I need to post elsewhere, please let me know. Thank you in advance

Pscyime via


is this a server? if not then you are in the wrong group - post to the
desktop group

If it is what do you mean by both machine are connected to the same modem, do
you mean via a router or what

If one machine can connect and one cant - run ipconfig /all on both machine
and compare IP address, default gateways etc etc

Really you need to provide proper information about your setup like version
of 2000 (server,pro,advanced server) and exactly HOW and with WHAT they are



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