Can't download files on Vista laptop



Grrr!! I am unable to download files on my laptop from the internet. I have
seen this issue posted, and have tried several of the suggestions, but none
of them remedy my problem. I have turned off Windows defender, disabled
startup programs, cleared my history files, and several other things.

When I try to download a file from the internet - Microsoft, I Tunes, etc.,
at some point during the download, the percentage, time remaining, green bar
- all just stop. The file icon at the top still puts its little paper in the
folder, but everything else just stops.

HELP!!!! I have a program that I need to download for my class!!

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Mamamegs [MS MVP]

dsweetz submitted this idea :
Grrr!! I am unable to download files on my laptop from the internet.
I have seen this issue posted, and have tried several of the
suggestions, but none of them remedy my problem. I have turned off
Windows defender, disabled startup programs, cleared my history
files, and several other things.

When I try to download a file from the internet - Microsoft, I Tunes,
etc., at some point during the download, the percentage, time
remaining, green bar - all just stop. The file icon at the top still
puts its little paper in the folder, but everything else just stops.

HELP!!!! I have a program that I need to download for my class!!

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

What's the path to your download folder? Have you tried to download to
a different location?

MS MVP Windows shell/user

Problemen met Windows Vista?

Windows Vista Problems?

Emil Lulic

Maybe you should try a download manager...

"Free Download Manager" would be my best choice... if you're a freebie like

Emil Lulic

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