Can't download files from the internet


Gord Dibben

Running a new installation of Windows XP SP2 with all updates.

I am administrator with full permissions as far as I can tell.

When attempting to download files from the internet I get the Run or
Save dialog.

Click on Save to disk and downloading dialog appears but no download
takes place and dialog window becomes inactive and freezes.

Task Manager must be employed to end task with the "program is not
responding" message.

Task ends and back to desktop.

Etrust AV installed and working.

Latest version of Zone Alarm 6.1 installed.

I'm missing something.

Thanks, Gord

Gord Dibben

Any takers on this post?

I can "run" to install programs from the internet, but cannot "save"
them to disk to run later.

The downloading dialog freezes and locks me up.

Event Viewer data on this freeze up............

Hanging application IEXPLORE.EXE, version 6.0.2900.2180, hang module
hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000...................

I am trying to download AdAware and SpyBot applications

Any assistance appreciated

Thanks Gord

Running a new installation of Windows XP SP2 with all updates.

I am administrator with full permissions as far as I can tell.

When attempting to download files from the internet I get the Run or
Save dialog.

Click on Save to disk and downloading dialog appears but no download
takes place and dialog window becomes inactive and freezes.

Task Manager must be employed to end task with the "program is not
responding" message.

Task ends and back to desktop.

Etrust AV installed and working.

Latest version of Zone Alarm 6.1 installed.

I'm missing something.

Thanks, Gord

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Gord said:
I can "run" to install programs from the internet, but cannot "save"
them to disk to run later.

The downloading dialog freezes and locks me up.

Hanging application IEXPLORE.EXE, version 6.0.2900.2180, hang module
hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000...................

I am trying to download AdAware and SpyBot applications

Since you are trying to download anti-malware apps, it appears you
believe you are already infected. Use another PC, put the apps you need
on a cd, then boot the problem pc in safe mode and install/run the apps.

Gord Dibben


Was(is) an IE 6 problem.

Installed Mozilla Firefox as browser and no problem saving files to

Guess I'll have to get IE repaired.

Thanks, Gord

Running a new installation of Windows XP SP2 with all updates.

I am administrator with full permissions as far as I can tell.

When attempting to download files from the internet I get the Run or
Save dialog.

Click on Save to disk and downloading dialog appears but no download
takes place and dialog window becomes inactive and freezes.

Task Manager must be employed to end task with the "program is not
responding" message.

Task ends and back to desktop.

Etrust AV installed and working.

Latest version of Zone Alarm 6.1 installed.

I'm missing something.

Thanks, Gord

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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