Can't Burn To CD-RW Disks


Stephen Kroll

My Write CD-RW drive will burn data files to CD-R disks but not to CD-RW
disks. Help, please and thank you.

If you are using the native Windows XP CD writing, it only does CDRs. You would have to
use third party CDR/CD-RW writing software. Which software to use is a matter of taste
and function. I, and many others, prefer Nero. For novices it has Nero SmartStart, which
a child can use (What do you want to do? Format disk, which you would do for a CD-RW).
Once you are at ease with that, you can use the other more advanced modules. Nero 6 Ultra
Edition has InCD, which allows for usage of CD-RWs like any other drive: format, drag and
drop, copy and paste, delete, etc.. Others will probably post with more suggestions for
CDR/CD-RW writing software...

Stephen Kroll

Thank you. Nero it will be!. said:
If you are using the native Windows XP CD writing, it only does CDRs. You
would have to
use third party CDR/CD-RW writing software. Which software to use is a
matter of taste
and function. I, and many others, prefer Nero. For novices it has Nero
SmartStart, which
a child can use (What do you want to do? Format disk, which you would do
for a CD-RW).
Once you are at ease with that, you can use the other more advanced
modules. Nero 6 Ultra
Edition has InCD, which allows for usage of CD-RWs like any other drive:
format, drag and
drop, copy and paste, delete, etc.. Others will probably post with more
suggestions for
CDR/CD-RW writing software...

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If you are using the native Windows XP CD writing, it only does CDRs. You would have to
use third party CDR/CD-RW writing software. Which software to use is a matter of taste
and function. I, and many others, prefer Nero. For novices it has Nero SmartStart, which
a child can use (What do you want to do? Format disk, which you would do for a CD-RW).
Once you are at ease with that, you can use the other more advanced modules. Nero 6 Ultra
Edition has InCD, which allows for usage of CD-RWs like any other drive: format, drag and
drop, copy and paste, delete, etc.. Others will probably post with more suggestions for
CDR/CD-RW writing software...

You couldn't be more wrong.

XP will handle writing to CDRW discs just fine, but it treats them
just as if they were CDR discs. The huge difference is that you can
erase the CDRW. Note I mentioned you can erase the CDRW - but you
have to erase the entire thing, NOT selected individual files.

Stephen Kroll

I have discovered that the native Windows XP CD-writing program WILL burn
CD-RWs. On my girlfriend's machine, not on mine. The third-party programs
whose trial versions I have downloaded haven't solved the problem--even when
I make sure they are not using the native burn program. One clunky solution
we devised uses our network to transfer files from my machine to hers for
burning. Still, I am baffled why my native program won't burn both types of

Thanks for the ideas, though.

NobodyMan said:
You couldn't be more wrong.

XP will handle writing to CDRW discs just fine, but it treats them
just as if they were CDR discs. The huge difference is that you can
erase the CDRW. Note I mentioned you can erase the CDRW - but you
have to erase the entire thing, NOT selected individual files.

For me, the main reason for using a CD-RW is to be able to add AND DELETE files on a CD-RW
disk on the fly. If the native Windows XP burning cannot do that, it is useless to me and
most other people who use CD-RWs. If the native Windows XP burning module treats CD-RWs,
in your words "as if they were CDR discs," what is the point of using a CD-RW, saving 40
cents because you can format and reuse a disk? Aside from that, the queuing step before
burning is a pain. With Nero's InCD running at startup, I can just select the files and
copy and paste them, or just drag and drop them to the CD-RW, and they are immediately
burned, as if I were copying to another hard drive. And, I can create folders on the fly
to drag the files into, and rename the files and folders, AND DELETE those files and/or
folders for easy file management on the CD-RW. Granted, that for permanent storage CDR is
preferable. But, for certain things that I do, being able to quickly add AND DELETE files
or folders on a CD-RW on the fly is invaluable. The native Windows XP burning module
cannot do that.


For me, the main reason for using a CD-RW is to be able to add AND DELETE files on a CD-RW
disk on the fly. If the native Windows XP burning cannot do that, it is useless to me and
most other people who use CD-RWs. If the native Windows XP burning module treats CD-RWs,
in your words "as if they were CDR discs," what is the point of using a CD-RW, saving 40
cents because you can format and reuse a disk? Aside from that, the queuing step before
burning is a pain. With Nero's InCD running at startup, I can just select the files and
copy and paste them, or just drag and drop them to the CD-RW, and they are immediately
burned, as if I were copying to another hard drive. And, I can create folders on the fly
to drag the files into, and rename the files and folders, AND DELETE those files and/or
folders for easy file management on the CD-RW. Granted, that for permanent storage CDR is
preferable. But, for certain things that I do, being able to quickly add AND DELETE files
or folders on a CD-RW on the fly is invaluable. The native Windows XP burning module
cannot do that.

I never said, in any way, shape or from that XP can add and delete
files from a CDRW "on the fly." I just pointed out that you were
WRONG in your statement that XP only writes to CDRs and that you HAVE
TO USE third party software to write to CDRWs. Defend yourself all
you want, but you were WRONG.

Stephen Kroll

Gentlemen, please! As the person whose initial query about this problem
launched your argument, let me bring you up to date on my recent
experiences. Yes,
I have found, the native Windows XP burn program WILL copy to a CD-RW--but,
in my case, not to EVERY CD-RW and not to CD-RWs that have been erased. Why
this is the case, I, of course, have no idea. I simply slip in a new Memorex
and cross my fingers.

Andrew Murray

No it doesn't!? It can do CD-RW's as well.

Windows XP burning routine doesn't burn DVD-Rs, but does burn CD-RW's. said:
If you are using the native Windows XP CD writing, it only does CDRs. You
would have to
use third party CDR/CD-RW writing software. Which software to use is a
matter of taste
and function. I, and many others, prefer Nero. For novices it has Nero
SmartStart, which
a child can use (What do you want to do? Format disk, which you would do
for a CD-RW).
Once you are at ease with that, you can use the other more advanced
modules. Nero 6 Ultra
Edition has InCD, which allows for usage of CD-RWs like any other drive:
format, drag and
drop, copy and paste, delete, etc.. Others will probably post with more
suggestions for
CDR/CD-RW writing software...

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