Cannot download updates



I just installed a brand new Windows 2000 and am having
trouble getting it updated.

If I go to the update page at Microsoft and try to
download and install the suggested updates I get an error.
It goes through the steps of preparing for the download
and when I clcik Install (Next) an error pops up that says:

Setup was unable to download the required components.
Please make sure you are connected to the Internet, or to
run Setup later.

I am on the Internet and can browse just fine and I am not
on a network of any kind. This is a stand alone computer.
The version of Windows 2k is 2k Professional. It was a
brand new CD bought from the store just last week.

I then tried to see if it was a browser issue by trying to
download Netscape 7.2. It downloaded the setup file, but
when it tried to downlopad the actual browser, I got
another error saying that it encountered a network error
and to try again later. I then tried to download zip files
from my web host and that worked OK.

Please help.



If you connected an unpatched sys to the internet, without having a Firewall
or AV software installed its quite possible that yr sys is now infected.
If you have no AV software try an online scan at any of the AV sites, eg
Symantec, MacAfee, AVG trend etc

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