can,t send vista windows email



here is the error message that I get

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port:
25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

I am working on a new sony laptop in my house in maine using a wireless
modem with a different isp then I use with my desktop at my house in nyc.
Don't know if all of this makes any difference. I believe that I set up
everything according to verizon isp directions including checking the box
requiring isp authentication for outgoing email.

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

victor3d said:
here is the error message that I get

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP,
25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

I am working on a new sony laptop in my house in maine using a wireless
modem with a different isp then I use with my desktop at my house in nyc.
Don't know if all of this makes any difference. I believe that I set up
everything according to verizon isp directions including checking the box
requiring isp authentication for outgoing email.

Contact Verizon. They should have a different port and security settings
for when you're attached through a different ISP.

Dave Griffiths

If you are using a different ISP at Maine and NYC then you will need to have
different accounts on the PC to cater for the different smtp configuration.
The error that you getting is due to the fact that you need to supply a
"Username & Password" to send through the ISP.

Create two different accounts in Windows mail with the correct isp settings
in both. When you send an email you can select the correct account for the
city you are in.


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