Building Switchboard to Open Access




I would like to build a switchboard with buttons to open various copies of
Access databases i.e. one for each citiies

Thank you,


Seems like you are trying to do it backwards.
Switchboards are INSIDE Access databases. You never need a database per
city or even a table per city.

Expain a little more about what you are trying to do.

John W. Vinson


I would like to build a switchboard with buttons to open various copies of
Access databases i.e. one for each citiies

Thank you,

A couple of questions:

Do you want to build this switchboard in Access? or in Windows, or in some
other program?

Do you really have *A DIFFERENT DATABASE* - another separate .mdb file - for
each city? or do you mean a different *TABLE* within a database? In either
case, you're probably making a mistake in your database design. Structural
details please!


Good morning,

Actually yes, we have various .mdb files for different cities. Each cities
has different needs and is sometimes in different locations so at the time
they were built separately. I do know that switchboards are built internally
specific to the file you are working in, but I was hoping to find a way to
accomplish this task.

I didn't really have a preconceived notion of whether it was in some other
software, I had just thought of opening a form in a blank database and
pointing the buttons to open one of the .mdb files but I am open to
suggestions if that is not doable.

I was just trying to alleviate the problem of having to open separately and
trying to put them into succinct screen to work from for opening.

Thank you,


It could be done with a "blank empty db" and create a menu and use the
following for each of the buttons:

application.followhyperlink "fullyqualifiedpath and name of the mdb
for a city"



Okay, thank you. May I ask for a just a bit more info about how to achieve
the hyperlink.

I have put a button on, and have used the wizard to point to Application but
don't know how to show the hyperlink. Right now it's giving me an error box
'Invalid procedure...'

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click

Dim stAppName As String

stAppName = "\\servername\sharename\DirectoryName\FileName.mdb"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command1_Click

End Sub

Thank you for your help.



change all of this

Dim stAppName As String

Call Shell(stAppName, 1)



Dim stAppName As String

stAppName = "\\servername\sharename\DirectoryName\FileName.mdb"

application.followhyperlink stAppName


Word of warning that you may need/want to investigate.

executing mdbs across or even linking tables across servers when there
is not a very very fast route between them may give terribly slow
performance and suseptibity to corruption.

Execution of Access across "Remote" servers is usually not too

What we have done here for an application that needed to look at
tables on a remote server was simply to copy the "tables.mdb" over to
our server once a day and have our local application linked to those
This obviously requires everyone to be out of the application when the
copies are being done.


John W. Vinson

I didn't really have a preconceived notion of whether it was in some other
software, I had just thought of opening a form in a blank database and
pointing the buttons to open one of the .mdb files but I am open to
suggestions if that is not doable.

Well, I'd suggest just creating as many Windows shortcuts as you have
databases, and put them all in a Windows folder. Clicking on the shortcut icon
will open the selected database.

Ron's warnings about running Access over a wide-area network are right on the
money. DON'T do it that way - you'll do much better to use a terminal server
approach to actually connect to the remote computer.

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