booting from a USB flash disk


Chris W

I am trying to get a USB flash disk to boot. Is there a way to get an
Emergency Repair Disk on a USB Flash Drive? The only thing I have tired
so far is to tell Acronis True Image software to use the USB Flash drive
for it's Bootable Rescue Media but that didn't seem to work. My bios
sees the flash drive and I can tell it to use it as the first boot drive
but it just boots from the ide C drive. No error or anything. So I
thought I would try to make it a win2k Emergency Repair Disk but I can't
figure out how.

Chris Woodhouse

"They that can give up essential liberty
to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 Historical Review of Pennsylvania

Dave Patrick

ERD's are not bootable. This is a mb/ bios issue. Not an operating system
issue. Ask the hardware vendor.


Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft MVP [Windows NT/2000 Operating Systems]

| I am trying to get a USB flash disk to boot. Is there a way to get an
| Emergency Repair Disk on a USB Flash Drive? The only thing I have tired
| so far is to tell Acronis True Image software to use the USB Flash drive
| for it's Bootable Rescue Media but that didn't seem to work. My bios
| sees the flash drive and I can tell it to use it as the first boot drive
| but it just boots from the ide C drive. No error or anything. So I
| thought I would try to make it a win2k Emergency Repair Disk but I can't
| figure out how.
| --
| Chris Woodhouse
| "They that can give up essential liberty
| to obtain a little temporary safety
| deserve neither liberty nor safety."
| -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 Historical Review of Pennsylvania

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