Blue Frog



Its a spam fighter thats free that getting alot of attention and a good
way to fight
Blue Frog software tool, produced by Blue Security Inc., operates as
part of a community-based anti-spam system which tries to eliminate
email spam by persuading spammers to remove community members'
addresses from their mailing-lists. Blue Security maintains these
addresses in encrypted form in a Do Not Intrude Registry, and spammers
can use free tools to clean their lists.

Community members report their spam to Blue Security, which analyzes it
and sends back a set of instructions to a Blue Frog client. The client
software uses these instructions to visit the websites advertized by
the spam messages and leaves complaints on those websites. Blue
Security operates on the assumption that when the community becomes
large enough, the flow of complaints from tens of thousands of
computers will apply enough pressure on spammers to convince them to
stop spamming members of the Blue Security community. Additionally,
Blue Security reports spam sites to the ISPs which host them, to other
anti-spam groups and to law-enforcement authorities.

The Blue Frog software includes a Firefox and Internet Explorer plugin
allowing Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo Mail electronic-mail users to report
their spam automatically. Users can also report spam from desktop email
applications such as Microsoft Office Outlook, Outlook Express and
Mozilla Thunderbird.

Users who download the Blue Frog software register their email
addresses in the "Do Not Intrude" Registry. Each user may protect
several addresses and one personal email domain.


This is as good as a soap! I hate soaps but love to see the spammers
getting it back!

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