blank archive file



Outlook as been automatically archiviing my calendar to my archive.pst file
but when i try to pull up the archived calendar it is blank. i would greatly
appreciate any suggestions on how to retrieve my lost arachived data. Thanks

Vince Averello

Are you sure that your Calendar folder has been archiving where you think?
Have you checked the auto-archive properties on that particular folder to be


Yes. The auto-archive properties show the files being sent to archive.pst. Is
there a way for me to check if the calendar archive view is looking for data
from the same file? All other components of outlook are archiving correctly.
Thanks for your help.

Vince Averello

First off.... Merry Christmas!

Are you showing both Calendar folders in your view? Check the navigation
pane to see. In OL2007 you can show both side-by-side or overlaid. Side by
side would allow you to drag items from one to the other easily. Just
checked that out here...

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