Biorhythm Calculator



A better biorhythm calculator should allow the user to Search for
good, bad, and critical days. The biorhythm calculator at
is indeed such an interactive biorhythm program that allows real time
navigation, calculation and search of the biorhythm cycles and their
values. It is 100% free and is at
One can Search for high, low, or critical occurrences of all three
basic cycles and more, individually or as a combination. The biorhythm
calculator will find, plot and display the color biorhythm chart.
The chart displays more than a month of biorhythm cycles at a time.
The advanced calendar control lets you brose the timeline. Navigate
the biorhythm chart by stepping a day, a week or a month at a time, or
by entering the target date and jumping there.
The values of the physical, emotional, intellectual basic cycles,
and their average along with all the values of the i-ching biorhythm
cycles: intuitive, aesthetic, self awareness, and spiritual cycles are
updated automatically.
Another unique feature: the biorhythm calculator at
will display the actual age, as years, months and days and not just
days since birth. It will even wish Happy Birthday on the particular
We just started the project and are seeking feedback for the biorhythm
calculator. Thank you. Go now to


A better biorhythm calculator should allow the user to Search for
good, bad, and critical days. The biorhythm calculator at
is indeed such an interactive biorhythm program that allows real time
navigation, calculation and search of the biorhythm cycles and their
values. It is 100% free and is at

According to your program, today I'm 100% intellectual but I'm a complete
emotional wreck. But then I used my intellect to realize that biorhythms
are about as valid as horoscopes and I immediately felt better about

(Now Playing: I'm Alright - Kenny Loggins)


.... a perfectly valid instruction - unlike the certainty of the
biorhythm theory. It should fit well in a disclaimer, and in a how-to
interpret readings page. I added both to the to-do list.


Global Warming

(e-mail address removed) wrote in
We just started the project and are seeking feedback for the biorhythm
calculator. Thank you. Go now to

Is this a plug for an online BR checker?

The best calculator in the world so far is..

and ...

As for the theory of BR, does any body really know or understand the
cycles of this universe?

The freeware "software" forum, refuses business or religious arguments,
is there a download?



A better biorhythm calculator should allow the user to Search for
good, bad, and critical days. The biorhythm calculator at
is indeed such an interactive biorhythm program that allows real time
navigation, calculation and search of the biorhythm cycles and their
values. It is 100% free and is at
One can Search for high, low, or critical occurrences of all three
basic cycles and more, individually or as a combination. The biorhythm
calculator will find, plot and display the color biorhythm chart.
The chart displays more than a month of biorhythm cycles at a time.
The advanced calendar control lets you brose the timeline. Navigate
the biorhythm chart by stepping a day, a week or a month at a time, or
by entering the target date and jumping there.
The values of the physical, emotional, intellectual basic cycles,
and their average along with all the values of the i-ching biorhythm
cycles: intuitive, aesthetic, self awareness, and spiritual cycles are
updated automatically.
Another unique feature: the biorhythm calculator at
will display the actual age, as years, months and days and not just
days since birth. It will even wish Happy Birthday on the particular
We just started the project and are seeking feedback for the biorhythm
calculator. Thank you. Go now to

Never had much to do with biorythms so thought I'd take a look. Had
trouble with the date (in Australia we use dd/mm/yy not mm/dd/yy) but
when I typed in the American version of my DOB I realized the problem
was because I am -99% intellectual today. But wait! That's not today's
date as we are ahead of you. Clicked on the 24th and found out I am
actually -100% intellectual today so that explains everything.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that there are people in other
countries out here who use different dates to you. Maybe a hint on what
format to enter the date and a reminder that the first date to come up
may not be right for whatever time zone you are in.



miskairal said:
Never had much to do with biorythms so thought I'd take a look. Had
trouble with the date (in Australia we use dd/mm/yy not mm/dd/yy) but
when I typed in the American version of my DOB I realized the problem
was because I am -99% intellectual today. But wait! That's not today's
date as we are ahead of you. Clicked on the 24th and found out I am
actually -100% intellectual today so that explains everything.

So here we are, both of us peaking intellectually at 100%. And what are
we doing with this window of intellectual opportunity? Splitting the
atom? Curing some nasty disease? Solving the problems in the Middle
East? Resolving the eternal fork/spoon dilemma? Nope, we're both
squandering it all by wasting our time posting replies about biorhythms
to a newsgroup.

Shows how smart we are.

(Now Playing: Wasted Days And Wasted Nights - Freddy Fender)

Global Warming

(e-mail address removed):

So here we are, both of us peaking intellectually at 100%. And what are
we doing with this window of intellectual opportunity? Splitting the
atom? Curing some nasty disease? Solving the problems in the Middle
East? Resolving the eternal fork/spoon dilemma? Nope, we're both
squandering it all by wasting our time posting replies about biorhythms
to a newsgroup.

Shows how smart we are.

(Now Playing: Wasted Days And Wasted Nights - Freddy Fender)
In this, our "round table", we can be free and express every thought.

Amen Brother Ian.


There was a tooltip hinting at the date format expected but it might
not show up in your browser - please let me know what browser that is
if that's the case.
I added it on the label next to the input box as well.
Have fun,


Added time zone option, and tested with IE and Firefox. The time zone
difference is saved to a cookie, so cookies need to be enabled. The
biorhythm calculator / plotter page loads the GMT + the hour difference
as "today". (Actually, the feature is in the common include which shows
throughout the site.) One can change the time zone anytime.
Did not address the daylight savings time (yet) - GMT is not changing
the hour.
I think it adds one hour during summer until Oct the 30th. (I'm in
Arizona and we don't observe it). Let me know if any problems.
Appreciate your feedback.


John Fitzsimons

Added time zone option, and tested with IE and Firefox. The time zone
difference is saved to a cookie, so cookies need to be enabled.

< snip >

That would make it useless for me. I delete all cookies on my system.

Regards, John.
,-._|\ (A.C.F FAQ)
/ Oz \ John Fitzsimons - Melbourne, Australia.


Ionizer said:
So here we are, both of us peaking intellectually at 100%. And what are
we doing with this window of intellectual opportunity? Splitting the
atom? Curing some nasty disease? Solving the problems in the Middle
East? Resolving the eternal fork/spoon dilemma? Nope, we're both
squandering it all by wasting our time posting replies about biorhythms
to a newsgroup.

Shows how smart we are.

(Now Playing: Wasted Days And Wasted Nights - Freddy Fender)
No, no, you got it wrong :)
I am/was MINUS 100% intellectual that day. I am at a very low point in
my intellectual life which probably explains why I can't explain myself
properly. I'll have a couple of beers and I'll think I'm a genius,
that'll fix it.

(I like that song)


There was a tooltip hinting at the date format expected but it might
not show up in your browser - please let me know what browser that is
if that's the case.
I added it on the label next to the input box as well.
Have fun,
Hmm, well I see the date format thing now but yesterday I didn't. It was
probably there then too, eh, but being MINUS 100% intellectual that day
I just...well... have a great excuse for having a dumb blonde moment.

I'm using Firefox 1.0.1 btw. Ahh but wait. I uninstalled and reinstalled
it AFTER visiting your site yesterday b/c of persistent problems with
some bookmarks not opening. Didn't make any difference to the bookmarks
but maybe some things weren't showing up???


Added time zone option, and tested with IE and Firefox. The time zone
difference is saved to a cookie, so cookies need to be enabled. The
biorhythm calculator / plotter page loads the GMT + the hour difference
as "today". (Actually, the feature is in the common include which shows
throughout the site.) One can change the time zone anytime.
Did not address the daylight savings time (yet) - GMT is not changing
the hour.
I think it adds one hour during summer until Oct the 30th. (I'm in
Arizona and we don't observe it). Let me know if any problems.
Appreciate your feedback.

OK, got my time zone right (took me two goes because the MINUS 97%
intellectual in me thought it was 6am instead of 6pm here). Now the only
positive thing for me at the moment is spritual and I think it was all
those spirits last night that have contributed to the Critical physical
day I am now having.

I'm getting the hang of the biorhythm stuff. The biorhythms knew that a
friend from 20 years ago was going to pull in and cause me great EMOTION
and bring out a bottle of Bourbon (SPIRITUAL) which pushed me to go
negative on the SELF AWARENESS and extremely negative in the
INTELLECTUAL, AESTHETIC AND INTUITIVE side of things, only to wake up to
the CRITICAL PHYSICAL day. Think I better seek out more of the exact
same biorhythms and avoid them in future :)

Will pass along a link to a few I know who will be interested.


If no cookies, my next options are: 1.user logs in every time and page
saves preferences to site database, or asks and saves the
preferences in a session variable. First would mean login every time,
second resets with every new browser session. Will do both, and I'll
keep looking for an automatic solution.


Latest addition at the biorhythm plotter / calculator at biomood
( emoticons mark the extra good or
bad days, which are arbitrarily defined as primary biorhythm cycles
average over or under 80% . When a cycle crosses 0, that day is marked
as critical. For all days - tooltip with the biorhythm cycles average
for the day.

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