

Ron Rosenfeld

Ron - I guess I missed you. Enjoy - I hope it vacation !

For anyone else that reads this - I have a table of 9 columns and about 30
rows. I have 5 different companies that fill these ranges with prices and I
want the average price - but dropping the lowest.

I'm back. And I did have a good time, thank you.

If you have not solved your problem yet, we can try some more.

What's in each row and column?

Do you need to average by rows? by columns? or by some other determinant?



ynissel said:
For anyone else that reads this - I have a table of 9 columns and about 30
rows. I have 5 different companies that fill these ranges with prices and
I want the average price - but dropping the lowest.

I did not follow the entire thread, but based on the summary above,
is there some reason why the following does not satisfy your needs:


Caveat: This drops only __one__ instance of the lowest value.
If your intent is to drop __all__ instances of the lowest value,
the above does not meet your needs.

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