


Is there a function to average a series of numbers but dropping the lowest ?


This is working after a couple of simple tests:
Use Ctrl+Shift+Enter to input this formula. It will return #VALUE if you
only press enter.


Take a look at the function TrimMean - refer to in-built help for syntax.
It does the same as average, but gives you the ability to set what % of
"extreme" values to ignore.
This may not suit your purpose if you only want to omit the one lowest
value, but worth a look anyway.


| Is there a function to average a series of numbers but dropping the lowest
| Thanks,
| Yosef


Wow - I cant believe that worked - but I dont understand the formula. CAn
you try to explain ?


That works but ecludes the top and bottom %. Ie if you have 4 values - it
will only average the middle two if you use 25% trim.

But thanks for the try !


Thanks this helps a lot - one more follow up.
My range isnt in an order. My current formula is
Where is is looking up rates in 4 different sheets and averaging. As Im not
too familiar with Arrays (until I read the article) will it work and can you
show me how ?


I don't think I understand what you are trying to accomplish. Could you try
to explain exactly what you are doing?

What do you mean "looking up rates in 4 different sheets?" Are EMC30,
Nomura30, etc. Named Ranges?



Try this:



Ron Rosenfeld

Is there a function to average a series of numbers but dropping the lowest ?

The array formula posted previously will drop ALL of the lowest numbers. So if
you have a range containing the numbers


that formula will average the 3, 4, and 5 giving a result of 4.

If you only want to drop ONE of the lowest numbers, then use the array formula:




Wow - this is getting more and more complicated. the lowest numbers may be
the same and you are correct I wouldnt want to drop them both. But as the
range I am averaging is in different sheets and a lookup function.
Can you get this to work in that context ?
My current formula is

Where A3 is an interest rate (i.e 6%) and the lookups are interest rate in
column 1 and price in column 2. So Im trying to get the average of the 4
prices but drop the lowest one.

BTW - I tried yours with a simple range and it only returned the highest
number ?

Thanks !


FYI - I just wrote this out in my explanation to Biff, I know Im not supposed
to post 2X but since you asked...
Im trying to find the average of 4 prices while droping the lowest. The
kicker is that the 4 numbers are lookups.
My formula is :
Where A3 is an interest rate (i.e. 6%) and the lookups are column 1 is
interest rate and column 2 is price.

Ron Rosenfeld

Wow - this is getting more and more complicated. the lowest numbers may be
the same and you are correct I wouldnt want to drop them both. But as the
range I am averaging is in different sheets and a lookup function.
Can you get this to work in that context ?
My current formula is

I don't have time to test more complicated methods, but a simple method would
be to put your four VLOOKUP formulas into a contiguous range on the same sheet,
and then use that range for the rng in the formula I suggested.

Where A3 is an interest rate (i.e 6%) and the lookups are interest rate in
column 1 and price in column 2. So Im trying to get the average of the 4
prices but drop the lowest one.

If you will always be looking at four items, you can simplify the formula I
provided to:

BTW - I tried yours with a simple range and it only returned the highest
number ?

That is because you overlooked my statement that that formula is an array
formula. To enter an array formula, you must hold down <ctrl><shift> while
hitting <enter>. Excel will place braces {...} around the formula.

The formula I posted in THIS message does not require that.





OR, use 4 cells for the individual lookups then:




Is it safe to say that the array wont work with a bunch of lookups imbeded in
it ?
The reason Im pushing it is that my forulah got a little more complicated
and I need to use it on a bunch of items - so a lookup would be great - if
not Ill have to do it one of your other ways.
Thanks again for all your help !


Is it safe to say that the array wont work with a bunch of lookups imbeded

Yes. I don't know what I was thinking on that first attempt I made! Doh!

I don't know of a way to pass an array of lookups to the Large function as
the array argument. Maybe Ron knows a way. He's pretty good!

If you need to add even more lookups I think I would opt for the
intermediate individual lookups than the Average/Large vs the long



Biff - Thanks - How do I forward to Ron to see if he knows. I did 1/2 of it
with pulling the lookups and then the function - but the other 1/2 is like a
2 dimentianal table - so I ll have to do like 500 seperate lookups !!

Ron Rosenfeld

Biff - Thanks - How do I forward to Ron to see if he knows. I did 1/2 of it
with pulling the lookups and then the function - but the other 1/2 is like a
2 dimentianal table - so I ll have to do like 500 seperate lookups !!

When you posted your AVERAGE formula containing the multiple lookups about four
messages ago, I was not able to devise a method of converting the series of
lookup results into an array for the LARGE function to act upon, without either
putting the lookups into a contiguous range; or using VBA.

That is why I suggested putting the LOOKUPS into a contiguous range.

I don't understand enough about the parameters of your problem to advise
regarding the "500 separate lookups". If you post back more info soon, I might
be able to take a look at it, but I'll be away for about three weeks starting
tomorrow, so if you don't see a response in the next 24 hours ...




Ron - I guess I missed you. Enjoy - I hope it vacation !

For anyone else that reads this - I have a table of 9 columns and about 30
rows. I have 5 different companies that fill these ranges with prices and I
want the average price - but dropping the lowest.

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