Auto-complete of addresses?



Hi All...

This is probably one of those "duh" questions, but I am having problems
figuring out how to tell Windows Mail to automatically complete email
addresses when creating new messages. Specifically, I would like to have the
ability to type just the first few letters in the recipient's name and have
Mail check the address book and autocomplete the address.

Outlook Express used to do this. Is there any way to tell Vista Mail to do


Steve Cochran

People are reporting that sometimes it may work and sometimes not. There's
no clear fix. Make sure you are set to use autocomplete under Tools |
Options | Send.


Donald Kaufmann

We all want auto-complete back. Seems this is one of the blunders with this
new Windows Mail. A real trainwreck if you ask me. And, no official reply
from MS that I've been able to find.


What do you mean. It works on who you have sent email to. Looking at the
data I presented (the format used for data storage) I would guess it
autocompletes for the last 26 addreeses mail has been sent to, though an
individual will use 2 of those address spaces if using a friendly mail name
"Donald Kaufmann" <[email protected]>
You can send bodgy mail and watch the entries grow as detailed in previous
post and tell us what does happen when the list reaches 26.

Gary VanderMolen

If it only auto-completes from the last 13-26 people you've sent to, that
is totally unsatisfactory. OE auto-completed any name or address in
the address book.

Donald Kaufmann

I finally got auto-complete to work. Try this.....type the first 3 letters
of an email address and then hit the tab key. For me, this then fills in the
rest of the email address....providing that it's in your contacts list of
course. Please post to the group if this works for you too.


Everytime I tried to create mail or reply to any mail it took forever to pop
up a new mail window. After unchecking "automatically complete addresses
when composing" compose and reply windows are poping up immediately.


This doesn't work for me: it ends the address after the 3 characters, enters
a semicolon then puts the cursor on the next line. I agree with previous
comments: MS fiddling with things that work and make them worse than before


thanks don ur the man

Donald Kaufmann said:
I finally got auto-complete to work. Try this.....type the first 3 letters
of an email address and then hit the tab key. For me, this then fills in the
rest of the email address....providing that it's in your contacts list of
course. Please post to the group if this works for you too.

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