Atlantis Nova Noveau


Bob Adkins

Here's a blast from the past! My favorite RTF editor, Atlantis Nova just got
a refresh.

I had all but written Atlantis Nova off as abandoned, and up jumped the new

Not sure what's new, but it must be relatively minor. At all the good
features are still there. It has a very clean install/un-install, and still
runs from the single EXE file (portable). The EXE file is actually a little
smaller than the older version, coming in at 442K. Not sure, but I think
they are now calling the Freeware version simply "Atlantis", which is fine
with me.

Sorry for the direct link. I can't find the Freeware version on the Atlantis
Nova web site. IIRC, it was always sort of like finding an Easter egg. :)


Bob Adkins said:
I had all but written Atlantis Nova off as abandoned, and up jumped the new

Not sure what's new, but it must be relatively minor.

Share your enthousiasm. Can't figure out what's new either. Going from
v. to v. doesn't suggest major changes though. Pity
there is still no vertical ruler.
I can't find the Freeware version on the Atlantis Nova web site.

Could find a link to the free version either.


Susan Bugher

Bob said:
Here's a blast from the past! My favorite RTF editor, Atlantis Nova just got
a refresh.

I had all but written Atlantis Nova off as abandoned, and up jumped the new

Not sure what's new, but it must be relatively minor. At all the good
features are still there. It has a very clean install/un-install, and still
runs from the single EXE file (portable). The EXE file is actually a little
smaller than the older version, coming in at 442K. Not sure, but I think
they are now calling the Freeware version simply "Atlantis", which is fine
with me.

Sorry for the direct link. I can't find the Freeware version on the Atlantis
Nova web site. IIRC, it was always sort of like finding an Easter egg. :)

In the email I received from the "The Atlantis Team" re PL2006 they
called it "Atlantis Nova". Web page is gone - they furnished a direct
download link:
(767 KB) v The .exe is dated 2005-11-17

FWIW - my hunch is that this version (previous version was is
just an update of the contact information and revision of information
about the $ware version.

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)

Bob Adkins

In the email I received from the "The Atlantis Team" re PL2006 they
called it "Atlantis Nova". Web page is gone - they furnished a direct
download link:
(767 KB) v The .exe is dated 2005-11-17

FWIW - my hunch is that this version (previous version was is
just an update of the contact information and revision of information
about the $ware version.

Thanks Susan. I must have missed a revision or 2.


This is'nt a new Freeware Version, it's the same version I downloaded a few
weeks back.

Lets all get real , Atlantis has now become a totally 30 days Shareware for
later versions.

I still think the original Freeware rtf version is still one of the best
simpler Word processors around.

Yet the Freeware version is no longer shown on the new Website.

Shame on Atlantis !!!!!!on


Steven Burn

crazymogg said:
This is'nt a new Freeware Version, it's the same version I downloaded a few
weeks back.

Did you download (Help > About)

If not, I have a copy of it if it will help?


Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!

Richard Steinfeld

crazymogg said:
This is'nt a new Freeware Version, it's the same version I downloaded a few
weeks back.

Lets all get real , Atlantis has now become a totally 30 days Shareware for
later versions.

I still think the original Freeware rtf version is still one of the best
simpler Word processors around.

Yet the Freeware version is no longer shown on the new Website.

Shame on Atlantis !!!!!!on

Unfortunately, I disagree. We cannot expect others to provide their toil
for us gratis indefinitely. We have to enjoy freeware while we can, but
expect the coders to move on at some point. Good programming takes a lot
of time and especially dedication in order to get the bugs out. Someone
has to feed the dedicated programmers. Someone has to feed the technical
writers -- people who can explain the software to users. Food costs
money. In a socialist world, maybe everything would be freeware and the
programmers would be fed by the people who clean the sewers. Dunno.
Somehow, I don't think it would work out.

While this is a freeware NG indeed, there have been a few truly superb
programs that have existed in the gray area between freeware and
shareware. For example, the great word processing program that along
with two other applications, started the shareware concept: PC-Write.

For me, the world of freeware enables me to try out different software
approaches (concepts, methods) that would be prohibitive if I had to pay
in order to live with them long enough to determine if I wanted to
continue. In the past, I did waste quite a bit of money on commercial
software only to find that I liked what it did, but hated the
implementation (Word, Word Perfect).

The price of shareware Atlantis is a paltry $35; compare this with what
Microsoft wants for Word. That's my 2 cents.



Thanks Richard. I tend to agree with you. Also I'll probably buy it sometime
as it's been my workhorse and reliable friend for several years now. John

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