AT LAST! some people are coming to their senses


kirk jim

AT LAST! some people are coming to their senses

and seeing vista for what it really is... trash


Vista isn't trash, but what so many of you refuse to come to grips with is
that it also isn't XP. It is different and things work differently. I have
been monitoring the Vista groups for over a month now and most of the issues
that I have seen crop up are associated with not really knowing what they are
doing as opposed to Vista being trash. The worst of it all is that the same
questions keep getting posted over and over agian, with answers already out
there as to how to fix their mistakes. I have been running the retail
version of Vista Ultimate for a month and a half now and my old, 5 year old,
computer runs better with it than it ever did with XP. All of my old
software runs fine and I have only had two hardware driver issues that I
couldn't overcome and yes I blame the HW manufacturers for this issue, not

There, I've said my piece, for what its worth,

Harry Krause

Benny said:
Vista isn't trash, but what so many of you refuse to come to grips with is
that it also isn't XP. It is different and things work differently. I have
been monitoring the Vista groups for over a month now and most of the issues
that I have seen crop up are associated with not really knowing what they are
doing as opposed to Vista being trash. The worst of it all is that the same
questions keep getting posted over and over agian, with answers already out
there as to how to fix their mistakes. I have been running the retail
version of Vista Ultimate for a month and a half now and my old, 5 year old,
computer runs better with it than it ever did with XP. All of my old
software runs fine and I have only had two hardware driver issues that I
couldn't overcome and yes I blame the HW manufacturers for this issue, not

There, I've said my piece, for what its worth,

It might help if MS packed a decent manual in the VISTA packaging. The
cute little booklet isn't worth much.


I can't argue with that.


Harry Krause said:
It might help if MS packed a decent manual in the VISTA packaging. The
cute little booklet isn't worth much.


kirk jim said:
AT LAST! some people are coming to their senses

and seeing vista for what it really is... trash

You don't count as "some people". Some might argue if you count as a person
at all. Hehehehe. :)

Adam Albright

It might help if MS packed a decent manual in the VISTA packaging. The
cute little booklet isn't worth much.

No kidding! I still got my DOS 2.0 manual. It was printed on high
quality glossy paper and came with a 3-ring binder and ran hundreds of
pages. Times change. ;-)


Why do you give a shit about what other people run on their computers?
Do you not have a social life?


Harry said:
It might help if MS packed a decent manual in the VISTA packaging. The
cute little booklet isn't worth much.

Don't give MickeyMouse any ideas or else they'll charge twice the price for
Fista than they do now.


The "Wow" starts now.

"No sane person wants Vista, so Microsoft is making sure they have no


DanS said:
A what ?.......Oh.....a PRINTED manual.

They could but the cost would double then.

You say that as if a Vista manual would be any larger then the COMPARED DOS
2.0 manual? Trees are free you know!



NoStop said:
Don't give MickeyMouse any ideas or else they'll charge twice the price
Fista than they do now.

Fista. Ha ha ha. That's funny.
Well, I guess I should say some people might find it funny. Once.
How many times have you used that? Don't you ever get tired of it?
Are you the guy who also says Microsux or Microbucks? Or M$?

Does anybody really think those jokes are funny?

Look, you can hate MS and XP and Vista and DOS 3.0 for all I care. You can
love Linux and Macs and Commodore 64s.
It's the pitiful juvenile attempts at "humor" (again, does anybody really
think "Fista" is funny?) that bother me. It reminds me of someone who does a
pitiful impression over and over and over again. How many of you are old
enough to remember the folks who went around saying "Excuuuuuuse me!" trying
to sound like Steve Martin? It might have been funny the first time, but it
quickly started getting old.

How about "Lose-net!" Ha ha ha.
Or "Computer loser groups." Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Any more out there? Lets get all the juvenile little names we can think of
an use them as much as we can in this newsgroup, OK? Oh, excuse me, I mean
"LOSE group." Ha ha ha ha ha.


DP said:
Fista. Ha ha ha. That's funny.
Well, I guess I should say some people might find it funny. Once.
How many times have you used that? Don't you ever get tired of it?
Are you the guy who also says Microsux or Microbucks? Or M$?

Does anybody really think those jokes are funny?

Look, you can hate MS and XP and Vista and DOS 3.0 for all I care. You can
love Linux and Macs and Commodore 64s.
It's the pitiful juvenile attempts at "humor" (again, does anybody really
think "Fista" is funny?) that bother me. It reminds me of someone who does
a pitiful impression over and over and over again. How many of you are old
enough to remember the folks who went around saying "Excuuuuuuse me!"
trying to sound like Steve Martin? It might have been funny the first
time, but it quickly started getting old.

How about "Lose-net!" Ha ha ha.
Or "Computer loser groups." Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Any more out there? Lets get all the juvenile little names we can think
of an use them as much as we can in this newsgroup, OK? Oh, excuse me, I
mean "LOSE group." Ha ha ha ha ha.

You forgot his constant use of "MickeyMouse" and no, I've never seen anyone
reply to him to point out those were funny. Fista? I don't even get it.
If Vista was an autoupdate requirement (forced) THEN it would at least make


None of those are funny either.


DP said:
Fista. Ha ha ha. That's funny.
Well, I guess I should say some people might find it funny. Once.
How many times have you used that? Don't you ever get tired of it?
Are you the guy who also says Microsux or Microbucks? Or M$?

Does anybody really think those jokes are funny?

Look, you can hate MS and XP and Vista and DOS 3.0 for all I care. You can
love Linux and Macs and Commodore 64s.
It's the pitiful juvenile attempts at "humor" (again, does anybody really
think "Fista" is funny?) that bother me.

There was no effort to attempt "humour" with a system (and company) that
deserves only disdain. Fista isn't funny at all. It's sad actually and
offensive to the computing world. Of course, most people have already
figured that out and that is why Fista is proving to be such a flop in the


It reminds me of someone who does
a pitiful impression over and over and over again. How many of you are old
enough to remember the folks who went around saying "Excuuuuuuse me!"
trying to sound like Steve Martin? It might have been funny the first
time, but it quickly started getting old.

How about "Lose-net!" Ha ha ha.
Or "Computer loser groups." Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Any more out there? Lets get all the juvenile little names we can think
an use them as much as we can in this newsgroup, OK? Oh, excuse me, I
"LOSE group." Ha ha ha ha ha.

The "Wow" starts now.

"No sane person wants Vista, so Microsoft is making sure they have no


There was no effort to attempt "humour" with a system (and company) that
deserves only disdain. Fista isn't funny at all. It's sad actually and
offensive to the computing world. Of course, most people have already
figured that out and that is why Fista is proving to be such a flop in the

So we just get to come up with any word we want to?
Finux? Minux? Zeenux?
Scrapple? Frapple? Zapple?

Pretty soon, communication will fall apart if we do that.


DP said:
So we just get to come up with any word we want to?
Finux? Minux? Zeenux?
Scrapple? Frapple? Zapple?

Pretty soon, communication will fall apart if we do that.

Did you look at that link he gave? Here's a sublink:

Let's look at the idiotic things this guy's been reading:

"DRM gives power to Microsoft and Big Media."
Power? Power to force you to obey the law? That doesn't give anyone power.
This is no more power then the DVD consortium has by encrypting DVD movies.

"Even when you legally buy Vista, you don't own it."
You don't OWN any software you buy which entitles you to a license to use
it. You don't OWN any version of Windows.

I love this one:

"What you can do to help protect your freedom"
"There is a battle underway between those who value freedom, and
corporations such as Microsoft who wish to profit by taking that freedom

Hahahaha! Which freedom is that again? The freedom to steal whatever you
want whenever you want? I hear idiots proclaim that MS is calling everyone
a thief before they steal. Yet I don't hear a single person proclaiming
that most retail outlets to the same with alarm sensors. HOW DARE YOU USE

NoStop is a lemming that has been taught by other lemmings and there is no
reasoning with him.

Software Power!!!!

Here's something to ponder. How can a CONSUMER PRODUCT of which you have
the freedom of CHOICE to choose take away any particular freedom?
Um.....don't use it?

Cigarettes take away MY RIGHT to live a healthy life style!!! Oh...wait...I
don't smoke....gee, go figure!

Dale M. White -LV32

How about "Lose-net!" Ha ha ha.
Or "Computer loser groups." Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Any more out there? Lets get all the juvenile little names we can think
of an use them as much as we can in this newsgroup, OK? Oh, excuse me, I
mean "LOSE group." Ha ha ha ha ha.

Well, he forgot to slide in Winblows and Windoze

And wouldn't it be Crapple ?

What ever happen to Luser ?

And the first time I saw Windoze, I thought it was funny. That was back in

kirk jim

Hahahaha! Which freedom is that again?

You laugh but you are a little stupid too.... I guess your brain in that
high altitude of 6 feet tall gets a little thinner air than it should.

Freedom is open source code and public domain programs.

Thats what he means. Your brain has been preprogrammed in such a way
that you cannot see other solutions and even if they are presented to you,
have no clue of their potential.

You are like the guy who laughed at the first cars because your horse was

The future will be very different than you think though... there will be no
Microsoft at all.. most wont even remember what it was.

Star Trek is a view of a non capitalistic society where people work not for
but for enjoyment and growth. It is an alternate reality, and perhaps it is
the only way
for us to survive.


Freedom is open source code and public domain programs.

Hey, that's fine with me. I love free stuff. I once had Linux dual booting
on an XP computer and I enjoyed learning about Linux. I don't think it's
ready for prime time for the regular non-techie user, but that's just my
I lost that computer in Katrina and I've tried several times to go back to a
dual boot using those "free" Linux disks you get with those $14.95 magazines
you can buy that are devoted to Linux. Haven't had one work yet. I've had
people say using the disk that comes with a magazine is never gonna work. If
that's true, then some magazine publishers are fraudulently making money off
the free OS.
And sorry, I refuse to do a three-hour download of an operating system. But
that's just me.
Star Trek is a view of a non capitalistic society where people work not
for money,
but for enjoyment and growth. It is an alternate reality, and perhaps it
is the only way
for us to survive.

Cool. I'm all for a future where everybody gets what they NEED regardless of
the resources at their disposal, Kirk, or Jim. I'm not sure, though, that I
want to design a 21st century society based on a model provided by a cheesy
sci-fi show made circa 1966 (please don't flame me if I happen to be off by
a year or so there).
But, at any rate, you're not going to get to Utopia by attacking software
companies as long as there are steelmakers, foodmakers, clothing makers etc
who still charge money for their products.
If somebody who designs software for a living can't make enough money to pay
for bread, shelter, transportation, his kids' education, etc because people
expect software to be free, then he's not likely to be designing software
for a living.
Maybe Linux has made life difficult for Microsoft. But before you go further
in that area, shouldn't we start concentrating on making cars "free"?
Housing, too? Food? College education? Seems to me the revolution needs to
be a little more widespread than just computer operating systems.

kirk jim

I agree with you totally... linux is not ready for the Desktop...

but that can change you know.... now that people are getting upset
with Vista, there is a door opening for the linux flavor
that at last gets it right.. or it could be something else and not linux...
we don't know....

All I know is that I am dissatisfied with vista.. and here is one of my
*yes this is mine*

"Necessity may be the Mother of invention,
but dissatisfaction is the Father of invention."

Dissatisfaction with something is a great power, as long as you decide
to take action to change that into something you would like to have or be.

And that is my reply to those who clearly have no clue why I am here
and stick around being very dissatisfied with Vista, yet I am still learning
more about it. I plan on doing something to change everything, and that will
have a huge impact on many people. It is my disatisfaction with vista, that
is NOT
what I wanted the computing world of the future to be like, that is my
driving force.


I see you are still trying to impress us with your sexual preference "FISTa".
maybe you should be posting in an XXX group.

(e-mail address removed)

It might help if MS packed a decent manual in the VISTA packaging. The
cute little booklet isn't worth much.

Don't give MickeyMouse any ideas or else they'll charge twice the price for
Fista than they do now.


The "Wow" starts now.

"No sane person wants Vista, so Microsoft is making sure they have no

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