Association association.....



Hello to all

I run an XP PRO with SP3 and it all work just fine. Except a little
association matter.

I have a sound card from "CREATIVE" that has many features such as
Recorders, music editors etc. each one of those features have its own logo
so when you see an icon with that logo you know that clicking it will give
what this feature should give you.

It was like that for a long time! But something happen and now each time I
click on the player or the recorder, I get first the "OPEN WITH" page asking
me to select it. In fact it is already marked there and ready to go but
the page will not let it proceed until I click it.

The "OPEN WITH" page also has a line saying that marking this line will
always open this item with the selected program but this apparently is what
broke down. Because the next time it repeat the same thing and my marking-up
of that permanence line is gone.

There is really no big damage here except the annoyance to keep clicking
that page when MS built on that page a provision that makes my selection
permanent .

Anyone know why that page doesn't keep the permanence order like it used to

Thanks for any help

Bob I

SO, what program hijacked the Association? Installing programs like
Quicktime will royally mess up your assigned preferences for a LOT of
file types.


Hello to BOB I

I have lots of experience with programs that steal associations. In fact all
of them do it, not just Quicktime.
I have several players onboard but I have restricted their access only to
the things that are specific for them and no more.

You go into Tools\Association of each program and unmark every thing the
program have originally marked as their own. But here it is not an
association matter, it is a window matter because the line you noted there,
is the line called "Permanence". and if you mark it up then it keep your
selection permanent and need not go back there.

This line died, even if I select it, or turn it on/off few times it doesn't
work. That's what I am looking for to fix.

Hope someone has the solution.

Bob I

First, you are wrong about ALL programs stealing Associations. They MAY
change the association when the program is installed, BUT they normally
WON'T hijack the changed association. You still have not provided the
name of the program you are having problems with. If the problem is with
ALL progams and the associations, then the issue is one of changes to
the registry being denied. This will be caused by "security software"
you have installed. Disable it while the desired changes are being made.

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