Apply a mutiple to a range of cells?



I have a range of cells spanning multiple columns and rows. I would
like, in my fantasy, to just hightlight all of them and say "multiply
by x" where x is an integer. Now, I know I can't do that because my
microphone doesn't work, so, other then a macro, is there a way to do



Sandy Mann

In an unused cell enter the numnber that you want to multiply by - it can be
an integer or a floating point number - then highlight the range to you want
to mutiply and then right-click and select Paste Special > Multiply > Ok

Don't forget to say "Multipy by x" as you do it. <G>


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
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Niek Otten

After entering the number in an unused cell, COPY it. Then continue following Sandy's instructions

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| In an unused cell enter the numnber that you want to multiply by - it can be
| an integer or a floating point number - then highlight the range to you want
| to mutiply and then right-click and select Paste Special > Multiply > Ok
| Don't forget to say "Multipy by x" as you do it. <G>
| --
| Sandy
| In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
| and the crowning place of kings
| (e-mail address removed)
| Replace with
| | >I have a range of cells spanning multiple columns and rows. I would
| > like, in my fantasy, to just hightlight all of them and say "multiply
| > by x" where x is an integer. Now, I know I can't do that because my
| > microphone doesn't work, so, other then a macro, is there a way to do
| > it?
| >
| > Thanks,
| >
| > -Jim
| >

Sandy Mann

Thank you for pointing out my faux pas Niek - I was concentrating so much on
the Magical incantation that I omitted to include the vital part!


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
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Thank you for pointing out my faux pas Niek - I was concentrating so muchon
the Magical incantation that I omitted to include the vital part!


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
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- Show quoted text -

Thank you all. Just what I needed. I did have to stand up when I
spoke though...


Niek Otten


Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

Thank you for pointing out my faux pas Niek - I was concentrating so much on
the Magical incantation that I omitted to include the vital part!


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
Replace with

- Show quoted text -

Thank you all. Just what I needed. I did have to stand up when I
spoke though...


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