App Sounds Play Under WinME But Not WinXP



Would be grateful for any suggestions or things to try to fix a WinXP
sound problem for an older app.

All app sounds (.wav files) play fine on Win ME PC, but not at all on
a WinXP (Home, SP1)PC. On the WinXP PC, all system sounds and those
for other apps play, so I think this is some quirk with the app. Also,
tried running this app under WinME compatibility, but no joy re
getting its sounds to play.

The app's .wav files play (auto open Windows Media Player 8) when
clicked on. I've tried all the sound trouble-shooting steps. Using
DirectX Diagnostics, I tested Sounds and everything checks out okay.
In scanning WinXP's registry I didn't see keys referencing this app's

Am willing experiment -- edit/add registry keys, change 'dlls, modify
files or whatever.

Thanks, Len


Hi Len,

If this is going back to your Capn application, I would suggest checking the


I had the same with a Simpsons theme in which the sounds were "cut short".
Check the wave files themselves. This was my findings:

Your wave files were recorded as less than 8bit (probably 4bit). Use a sound
editor, such as GoldWave, to load them in and save as 8bit or better. Worked
for me.


Hi Kelly,

Thanks. Yes, this is about Capn. BTW, I've confirmed that others have
the identical problem -- same app, same version, same issue: App
Sounds Play Under WinME But Not WinXP

Could you please be more specific about where to find the pertinent
paths. Should they be in particular registry keys or what? My
knowledge of paths is from the old days and setting them up in .bat

Many thanks,


The sounds play properly when their individual .wav files are clicked,
and the properties show them as 16 bit.


Most welcome, Len.

Lindsay, made a very good point, as a .wav encoded at CD quality (44kHz,
16-bit stereo), size 5.21MB, plays for 13 seconds. Saved at radio quality
(22kHz, 8-bit mono), size 668KB, plays in full.

As per your question to paths, without having that program installed: I
would suggest going to
Start/Run/Regedit: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\<Capn> ...

There may be a subkey: .Default. Either way, it should be listed as a
REG_SZ that points to the correct folder path. Verify that it matches, if
not, modify.

You can also opt to do the same here under:

If per chance, there is an option via the program itself, check the Sound
Search path or the pointer. As an example for older programs it may be
pointing to C:\Windows instead per se' to C:\Winnt, or C:\Program Files or
C:\Documents and Settings, etc.

Note: If the option line includes (ex) C:\Windows\media and these .wav
files are in temp, separate them with a semicolon, as in:

Or perhaps this is an issue of: ~CapnWav.....

Capn Support:
Capn FAQ's:

Good luck, Len and keep us posted. :blush:)


Yes. Mine played fine when clicked on, but not as an app sound. Try
re-recording them anyway. It can't hurt.


Perhaps I should have clarified earlier that these sounds are very
small .wav files, not songs or whatever. The file sizes range from 5kb
to 20kb. The current characteristics are: Bit rate= 352kbps, Audio
sample size= 16bit, Channels= 1(mono), Audio sample rate= 22kHz, Audio
format= PCM.

Given what the characteristics are now, what revised values would you
suggest when re-recording these .wav files?



Thanks Kelly. I tried placing those paths in the registry as you
suggested but unfortunately didn't get the sounds to play in the app.
The app has no option for pointers/paths to its sound folders/files;
however, the folder is among others for the app and the app's .exe is
there too.

BTW, on the WinXP PC this app installs up as a 32-bit app. Not sure
how it installs up on WinME PC, as I'm now on vacation and don't have
access to it. In any case, I have no control over this if it is in
fact different.

As for re-recording the the .wav files per Lindsay's reply, I provided
him with a further explanation of what I have now (please see
elsewhere in this thread). As you'll see, these are very small sound
files and seem to have the desired characteristics. Please advise if
that's not the way you see it.

Any other ideas would be welcome.


As far

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