Any way to restore/repair Win2K without original CD?



I have a machine with an OEM Win2K on which I'd like to
upgrade the motherboard.

According to Microsoft, see
one may do this by running setup/upgrade from the original Win2K CD.

However my (Sony) OEM Win2k install came without any Win2K CD.

Is there any other way to access the Win2K setup/upgrade software?

George Hester

This is what happens when we buy new computers that out of the box insure you have to return to the store or call the mfgr. It's a crime. And really should be investigated by the authorities. No with a Windows 2000 installation CD thetre is nothing you can do. But the mfgr may have included what is called a Restore CD. But as near as I can tell they are good ONLY for reinstalling the operating System. You have to go through all the junk before you can get to the actual installation.

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