Always run a program with low priority


cranberry girl

Is it possible to configure a program so that it defaults to running in low
priority rather than normal?

I know you can set the priority once a program is started by opening the
task manager, go to processes, right click on the one I want, and setting
the priority, but I'd like to be able to tell XP to always run a particular
program in low priority rather than having to keep setting it every time its

Thanks !

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

cranberry said:
Thanks for that Torgeir; much appreciated

I've created a .bat file (just a normal text file with .bat at the
end of the file name instead of .txt) with the following lines:

cd "C:\Program Files\GreedyApp"
%comspec% /c start /low greedyapp.exe

and it works perfectly :)


Your welcome.

Note that when doing this in a batch file, you don't need the
%comspec% /c part (as the batch file will run under %comspec%).

So this will also work in your batch file:

cd /D "%ProgramFiles%\GreedyApp"
start /low greedyapp.exe

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