All Sims Games



After getting a new computer (Windows XP) I find that none
of my Sims Games will load in. Can anyone help



Same here -- I get the following bogus msg when trying to
launch them:

"There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into
drive \Device\harddisk\Dr1"

I posted this dilemma here a couple of days ago and JimmyS
responded with a workaround for this msg that he gets when
launching something called "CFS 3" -- just keep clicking
on the "RETRY" button in the msg box... eventually things
work. I have not tried this yet, but will today or

Good luck


Alton Tripp

I'm running XP Professional and recently installed Sim City 4 with no
problems. Game runs fine. I've done nothing special to the setup of XP
Pro, but I did get to where I am now by upgrading from XP Home after
discovering that the Home verison wouldn't let me talk to a computer that
was a member of a domain. It doesn't sound like much help, but I don't
think your problem is intrinsic to XP.


I had the same problem. So i took mine back to the store,
but now i just bought Sims Superstar and i can't play it.
I come up with Catastrophic Failure. And i have tried

Neil Dela Osa [MS]

Well we'll need more information because the Sims has a lot of issue with
XP. Are you installing as administrator? Are you installing the game in
the order specified by EA?

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