Address line is gone



Hi there, my address line is gone and it's not possible to use the tools menu
to get it back. How do I get it back ? It's annoying to have to click start
and run each time.


Go to View>>>Toolbars, then click on Address Bar... this should keep it there
permanently. You might want to click Lock Toolbars just to keep it from
disappearing again


Alan Edwards

If you see the smallest piece of the Address Bar (usually the name)
then stretch the Address bar back to a normal size and move it if
necessary. If the Button Bar or some other bar is to the right of it,
you may want to move that to a different position first.

Don't forget to ensure "Lock the Toolbars" is unchecked in

A further fix:

"The Internet Explorer Address bar is missing"
You can get a .reg file that will do Method 2 here:


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