address bar issue


Kathy Hewett

Hi Adam,
Well, I continue to be frustrated with Vista...this is just ANOTHER irritating change, causing me to navigate another learning curve. To top it off, I made the mistake of upgrading to MS Office 2007...what was I thinking?... and that only made things worse!
Thanks to Shawn's link, I identified that our desktop folder's address bar shares with IE...that's why it shows internet addresses in the dropdown. (Seems like a lot of wasted man hours just to answer that simple question, doesn't it?) It seems to me that most tutorials assume that you like all of the changes with Vista and don't wish to question basic functions.

Now...we need to find out how to, if possible, make the address bar STOP doing that.
Is there a way to make the address bar in any desktop folder's address bar's drop down, show ONLY desktop (C drive) folders and NOT internet sites?
Is there a way to STOP showing internet sites in any desktop folder's address bar's drop down list?

EggHeadCafe - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

Michael Palumbo

brink said:

Since IE7 and Windows Explorer share the same address bar, ther is no
way that I am aware of. That was the way the address bar in Vista was



*There are no dumb questions, just the people that do not ask them.*
*Please post feedback to help others.*

Okay, don't take this as an insult, but I'm going to assume that no one has
noticed the right-pointing arrows next to the folder names in the address

Click on one of these to see all sub-folders located in that particular
folder . . . there is also, to the far-left, a "top-level" icon that will
give you access to the Computer "folder" all shared folders, Control Panel,

After a short learning curve I've found this system to be much more
intuitive, and easier to navigate than the XP style drop-down menu/address



Michael Palumbo

brink said:

No offense taken, but it is included in the tutorial link I posted



*There are no dumb questions, just the people that do not ask them.*
*Please post feedback to help others.*

Sorry, didn't follow the link (though I do have that site bookmarked) so I
wasn't aware.

I've found that often when a link is given as, or as part of, an answer, the
question is still asked again and again, even if the link clearly answers
the aforementioned question.

Again, no offense intended, just something I noticed. People are lazy about
looking for answers on their own and when they post to a group such as this,
will often ignore, or only skim through, links posted so I tend to try to
answer as completely as possible in the hopes that the question will be
sufficiently answered without the need for a link, as the link is often
ignored . . . etc . . . I can loop this forever. :)


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