Windows Explorer Scroll Bar



I am using Vista Home Premium.

It seems the Windows Explorer in Vista does not have a horizontal scroll bar
anymore. Has Microsoft done away with the horizontal scroll bar for any
particular reason (reasons I would fail to fathom)? If not, how do I get the
horizontal scroll bar to show up again in the Windows Explorer? Having to
scroll back up everytime to look at folders below the expanded folder that
have not been expanded is very very annoying.

Tim Mackey

i guess you mean the new "navigation pane" which replaces the XP folder
you are right, the horizontal scrollbar is gone. i did some experimenting
and it does scroll itself around somewhat inconsistently if you move the
mouse near the edge of the border. as a very experienced (and coordinated)
user, i found it very unintuitive. And, there were definitely some areas
that the pane would not scroll to. this is quite frustrating when you are
deliberately trying to point out how bad the auto-scrolling is, but after a
year of day-to-day vista use, it hasn't bothered me that much.

MS worked their butts off to get Vista out in time, and it's a great OS and
a great achievement. a lot of the current quirks will be ironed out in a
sevice pack. here i refer to the well documented delays of at least 30
seconds which can occur when deleting a small file "calculating time
remaining etc.", and other annoyances like this scrolling problem.


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