Add Remove Programs Applet


James M. McKillen

I have a problem with the Add/Remove Programs applet. It isn't a major
problem, but it bugs me and has me stumped. I was wondering whether anyone
else has experienced this problem. Here goes: Whenever I initialize the
applet, the programs available for add remove are there, but there is a HUGE
gap of white space and some black space in there. I have tried to sort the
programs by other change. I have tried to reinstall appwiz.cpl
from original source to Windows\System32....also no change. Anyone out there
that has experienced this and figured it out? Thanks.

Ramesh, MS-MVP

Hi James,

See this, from David Candy

HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
Look under here in the registry, one of the icons have a negative
number. Change it to a positive and most files hace a 1 icon. Windows
will try to guess the icon if you remove the entry altogether.

Also see:[email protected]

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

I have a problem with the Add/Remove Programs applet. It isn't a major
problem, but it bugs me and has me stumped. I was wondering whether anyone
else has experienced this problem. Here goes: Whenever I initialize the
applet, the programs available for add remove are there, but there is a HUGE
gap of white space and some black space in there. I have tried to sort the
programs by other change. I have tried to reinstall appwiz.cpl
from original source to Windows\System32....also no change. Anyone out there
that has experienced this and figured it out? Thanks.

Wesley Vogel

Courtesy of Kelly
Microsoft-MVP Windows® XP-Shell/User
2004 Windows MVP "Winny" Award

Add or Remove - White Space

[[This is generally due to the DisplayIcon having a negative number. From
here you can either remove the negative number or remove the last
application listed:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{} ]]

AutoCad Fix

Autodesk Land Desktop 3 Fix


I have AutoCAD LT 2000i. The white space in Add or Remove Programs usually
shows up after the AutoCAD LT 2000i listing. If you want to tweak the

Value Name: DisplayIcon
Value Type: REG_SZ
Value Data: C:\Program Files\AutoCAD LT 2000i\aclt.exe,-1

Notice the aclt.exe,-1?? You can change it to read aclt.exe,1

Or you can run one of the fixes. I have both & They both include icons.
autocadaddremovefix.vbs is the one that works for me. It's easier to use
the fix than changing the -1.

I get the white space in Add or Remove Programs every time that I add or
remove a program. It isn't always AutoCAD LT that has the white space after
it, sometimes it's another program. At any rate, one of the fixes will
work. Until the next time. ;-)

autocadaddremovefix.vbs adds an autocad.ico icon to the %systemroot%\web
folder. It also adds this to the registry >>
Value Name: DisplayIcon
Value Data: %systemroot%\web\autocad.ico

autodesk-landdesktop3-addremovefix.vbs adds an acad.ico icon to the
%systemroot%\web folder. It also adds this to the registry >>
Value Name: DisplayIcon
Value Data: %systemroot%\web\acad.ico

From snowman...
AutoCAD 2002 is

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