Active X entries



Please don't everyone think of me as a total boob, I am new to this arena,
but not totally new to computing. I really felt that I needed to expand my
ability to learn how to fix things that are wrong with my system, and
therefore, I now look to you to HELP me along with some education.

Question: I am using Norton System Works and when WinDoctor is run, I
constantly show that I have 24 invalid Active X entries in my registry. Now
everything seems to be working, but I was wanting to find out if repair of
these items might help to keep my system running better?

Wesley Vogel

ActiveX Control file are *.ocx

Where in the registry. There are many places that ActiveX items are listed.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



I'm of the opinion "Don't use software to delete Keys or subkeys at the
sometimes the software read the good entries as bad and problems start...
now if you want to keep using win doctor before deleting you need to find
info about what the program try to delete and if is good to do so..
To make your system runing as new(hard to do , but no imposible):
1-you need to keep your system updated, firewall, antispyware, antivirus...
2-to the clasic maintenance: defragmentation, disk check for errors
3-eliminated those startup programs you don't need
once a year I do a clean install to eliminated any junk that i dont need and
was installed.


Thanks, I do all of the items you stated. I do not delete anything, just
because Norton says it's bad. I was just curious as to the invalid entries.


There are 24 of them, listed with big long numbers
(example-89E30300-764D-11d0-B282-00A0C90-F56FC). I am not sure where in the
registry these are located and don't won't to mess anything up. Thats why I
am trying to learn at this site, as to what and what not to do. Like the one
above, it just reads Active X item as invalid and gives that big number.
Sorry, but this is the best understanding I can give.


Bubbaboos said:
Please don't everyone think of me as a total boob, I am new to this arena,
but not totally new to computing. I really felt that I needed to expand my
ability to learn how to fix things that are wrong with my system, and
therefore, I now look to you to HELP me along with some education.

Question: I am using Norton System Works and when WinDoctor is run, I
constantly show that I have 24 invalid Active X entries in my registry. Now
everything seems to be working, but I was wanting to find out if repair of
these items might help to keep my system running better?

You should disable ActiveX (control panel / internet options), and run or to make sure it's never run.

ActiveX controls can be uploaded to your computer to send ads,
malware, or for an online virus scan program.

Your missing entries could be an ActiveX control that was use'd for a
purpose then deleted.

Wesley Vogel

89E30300-764D-11d0-B282-00A0C90-F56FC looks like part of a CLSID or GUID.

CLSIDs start and end with accolades { }

What you posted is the equivalent of telling us that your address is 12.
Leaving out important info such as:
Joe Bloe
12 Maple Street
Anytown, Anystate, USA

Start | Run | Type: %windir%\Downloaded Program Files |
Click OK | Right click each item one at a time | Select Properties |
If you see Damaged on the General tab, close Properties |
Right click that item again and Select Repair or Remove.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Wesley, you are correct in your statement, all of the entries I mentioned
have the accolades you stated. I also checked the %windir portion as you
stated and five items were listed and none show as damaged, so I left them as
they were. Thank you for what you are trying to do for me. This is my only
way of learning things and I truly value the efforts you folks are giving me.

Wesley Vogel

I failed to mention this yesterday...

Start | Run | Type: %windir%\Downloaded Program Files |
Click OK | Right click each item one at a time | Select Properties |
On the General tab is ID:.
Which lists the CLSID of the item listed in Downloaded Program Files.

Norton sucks, so I do not have anything Norton/Symantec on my machine. So I
have no idea what WinDoctor looks like, etc.

For example, take {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000} which is Shockwave

flash.ocx is the file.


Here is just one registry entry that is related...
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-shockwave-flash
Value Name: CLSID
Data Type: REG_SZ
Value Data: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000}

The Adobe Flash OCX is a small plug-in which renders the SWF movie on your
system. The Flash OCX (also referred to as the Flash Player) is available
free from Adobe.

A POS that I do not have. ;-)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



I am running Windows XP SP# with Internet 7 . I started having problems when
I recently installed Internet 7. Windows will not open most of the time. I
have Norton System Works with GO Back and using that I can go back a day or
so and open the windows. The problem is an Invalid ActiveX/Com Entry. If I
correct the entry before signing off, I can reboot just fine. If I forget I
cannot reboot. Norton gives me the following error: Missing or Invalid
Key:"AtWorkRendering\shell\PrintTo\Command"...The key
"AtWorkRendering\shell\PrintTo\command," refers to an invalid command entry
"C:\Documents and Settings\Ann\Application Data\Aim\qxabeom\bartcache\)."

Can you tell me what is happening and how to physically correct it. Please
remember I have been away from technical computer work for nearly ten years
so please be explicit in your answers.




Smoky said:
I am running Windows XP SP# with Internet 7 . I started having problems
I recently installed Internet 7. Windows will not open most of the time.
have Norton System Works with GO Back and using that I can go back a day
so and open the windows. The problem is an Invalid ActiveX/Com Entry. If
correct the entry before signing off, I can reboot just fine. If I forget
cannot reboot. Norton gives me the following error: Missing or Invalid
Key:"AtWorkRendering\shell\PrintTo\Command"...The key
"AtWorkRendering\shell\PrintTo\command," refers to an invalid command
"C:\Documents and Settings\Ann\Application Data\Aim\qxabeom\bartcache\)."

Can you tell me what is happening and how to physically correct it.
remember I have been away from technical computer work for nearly ten
so please be explicit in your answers.



For one thing you're better off without any of these Symantec / Norton
products. Get rid of that and maybe IE7 will run ok. Also for IE7
issues, it's best to post to the internet explorer newsgroup.


On the Web:

See this link for recommendations on the best way to install IE7

IEBlog : IE7 Installation and Anti-Malware Applications

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