Acoustic Managment for Maxtor SATA drives??



anyone know where to get an app to control acoustic levels for Maxtors SATA line of drives?

Svend Olaf Mikkelsen

anyone know where to get an app to control acoustic levels for Maxtors SATA line of drives?

Do you have such a disk?

The question was asked for a Seagate disk some time ago, but we never
came to examining if the disk support acoustic management.

Svend Olaf Mikkelsen

I have the diamond max 9 sata version
its supports AAM

Did you try Hitachi Feature Tool?

If you cannot find a tool, we can examine it from the beginning, and
maybe make a tool "shutup" or similar. In that case initially download
Findpart for DOS version 4.36 at

do from boot to a DOS floppy:

findpart ide ext fp.txt

and see if the disk is listed in fp.txt.

This would also apply to users with Seagate disks without documented
acoustic management support.


I have Hitachi FTool running but I cannot get it to work with addin SATA controller
i dont have an adapter to PATA (Normal IDE)
so am stuck...

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