Accessing domain thru Internet and RRAS


Anne Robynn

My company is opening a branch office 100 miles away from the home
office. They don't want to spend a lot of money and want to use
features built in to the OS.

The home office is running Windows 2000 server, and the branch office
will be installed with windows server 2003. They want to install the
W2k3 server as another domain controller in the existing domain at the
home office. Both locations have high speed, always on broadband
Internet access.

Their idea is to use RRAS to allow the branch office to access the
home office. Having both locations replicate directory changes to
eachother, and have users access shares in both locations through the

Can I use RRAS to do this? If so, how do I set it up? Any whitepapers
out there that would help out? I haven't been able to find any.


Alan Wood [MSFT]

Hi Anne,
This is a very valid configuration. I really need a bit more
information to continue, the main question is: Are the RRAS Servers
directly connected to the internet or behind Router\NAT device?

This is going determine alot about the configuration. Also, if they are
behind the ROUTER\NAT you need to make sure the devices are able to pass
PPTP and GRE back to the servers. If the servers are on the internet with 2
NIC's, then this can be done but it will be a tricky with the replication
peice of the puzzle, but it can still be done.

Please answer the first part and we can continue.

Also if you are going to have a domian controller on the internet you
should consider having a firewall installed. ISA Server actually provides
the ability to create this type of connection through a wizard and will
configure both sides for you.

Thank you,
Alan Wood[MSFT]

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Anne Robynn


Sorry for the delay, I've been out of commission due to illness. I
hope you are still willing to help me out.

The RRAS servier is behind a firewall/router. I can have the firewall
guy open up the ports for PPTP and GRE next time he's in town.

What else do you need from me? Thanks. Anne.

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