Access denied on some pictures



I am experiencing problems with some old pictures I'm
sure I used to be able to open successfully. I have a
group of pictures which are displaying correctly as
thumbnails, however can not be open by any viewing
software. Windows picture and fax view simply
displays 'no preview available' however other apps
say 'access denied' etc..

The strange thing is this only seems to effect pictures
which have been saved with a certain format of file name
(a stupid format by my own admission!) e.g. '2.12.01 002'
(i.e. picture 2 taken on the 2/12/01) but if the name
were something like 'Johns birthday 002' it opens fine.
The other thing to note is that I only see the file type
and size, rather than camera make, dimensions, picture
taken etc when hovering my mouse over the file.

I have administrator privileges, and tried closing all
other apps, rebooting, tried to take ownership, checked
permissions, turned of AV (Symantec) etc etc.. to no
avail. Does any one have any ideas?


Take a look at the file name.
The filename must end with .jpg. Something like:
It looks like you renamed some of your picture files, but you did not incude
..jpg at the end. So XP has no idea that these files are picture files.
If so, just right click on the file. Click on rename on the opening menu and
add .jpg at the end of the filename.
And there dots (.) in the file name. You can't do this.
Right click on a file and click on Rename on the opening menu. You can keep
the same name but replace the dots by something else and make sure you add
..jpg at the end.
So you have:
Change the name to
Now try to open it. Never use . in a file name, except in front of the file
extension, in this case .jpg


Sorry, I should have made this clearer. I am pretty sure
all these files have the .jpg extension on them as
windows is showing them as jpg files when hovering the
mouse over them, or when viewing their properties. I have
also tried manually opening the files through App's such
as Adobe PhotoShop.

If I try to rename the files, I get 'access denied' even
though I am logged on with administrator priviledges and
do not have the files open in any other applications.

I am running Windows XP home Edition with the latest SP's
and hotfixes. These files are in a shared folder (All
users profile). However, there is no one else logged onto
the PC or my home network.

The weird thing is I know I have been able to open these
files in the past, and I have not renamed them. I'm not
sure if the names of these files is a red herring and
they have just become locked some how?

Many thanks for your help and ideas in advance.

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