Access Access 2010: Referring to another table in a validation rule


Aug 21, 2011
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New to the forums, currently building my third Access database. This one is the first that will actually be used. :thumb:

I have a Visit table with a DateVS field and a Client table with a EnteredOnCL field. DateVS is date of the visit. EnteredOnCL is a hidden field with default as Date() so I know when the Client was added to our system.

I want to prevent a visit from occurring significantly before the Client was entered, but I also want to give some wiggle room for late data entry. Here was my idea for a validation rule on DateVS:

DatePart("yyyy",[DateVS])>=DatePart("yyyy",[EnteredOnCL]) And DatePart("q",[DateVS])>=DatePart("q",[EnteredOnCL])

I was hoping this would require DateVS to be in a quarter equal to or later than EnteredOnCL. But it looks like I can't refer to a field from another table in a validation rule.

Is there any way to do this? Thanks.


Aug 21, 2011
Reaction score
I need to do this because I'm separating Visits by New and Returning Clients with a nested query using these expressions:

Expr1: IIF(DatePart("q",[DateVS])=DatePart("q",[EnteredOnCL]) AND DatePart("yyyy",[DateVS])=DatePart("yyyy",[EnteredOnCL]), 1, 0)



If the DateVS is in the same quarter as EnteredOnCL, the Client's visit is classified as new. Different quarters, returning. But this doesn't work if there are visits more than a quarter before the client was entered.

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