Access 2007 intensely slow in report design<[email protected]



Sorry to dig this thread up from the dead but did anyone get a solution to this?

Like Anthony, I've got a brand new Dell notebook with 4GB RAM, am trying to work on a report in design view but every time I make a change to a field, even a slight width change, Access 2007 hangs and becomes unusable for several minutes.

The report record source is a query but it's a simple one that executes in seconds.

Frustatringly, keyboard-smashingly slow :(

bobski casiple

In response to this question, there is no problem with access 2007 and there's no need to decompile and compile your database just to get rid of the slowing down of the system. The only solution this problem is to re-install your OS (Operating System) like Windows XP, Windows 2000 or whatever OS you are using right now. The system has been crash due to some unexplainable circumstances. But no need to reformat your disc, just re-install the Windows or OS and your access database will run perfectly and of course, you will also install all your softwares and microsoft office 2007.

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