Access 2000 and Access 2002


Tony Williams

I have a database which I created in Access 2000. Is there any advantage to
converting this to Access 2002? Also Is there any benefit of missing out
2002 (which I've got) and buying 2003 and converting it to 2003? What would
2002 and 2003 give me that 2000 hasn't got, I'm particularly interested in
the User interface of forms etc.
Many thanks

Brendan Reynolds

Not much has changed in the area of form and report design. Access 2002 uses
the same format as Access 2000 by default, so if you have Access 2002, you
might as well go ahead and use it - you're unlikely to have any problems
with MDBs designed in Access 2000. (I'm not sure if the same can be said of
ADPs or not. If that's important to you, you might want to ask in the ADP

With Access 2007 currently in Beta (see I can
think of few pressing reasons to buy Access 2003 if you already have Access
2002. XML support is improved, if that's important to you.

Tony Williams

Thanks for that Brendan I'll stick with what I've got for the time being I

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