About this newsgroup. Editing my posts



How do we edit our post in this newsgroup. If I make a mistake and want to
edit it how can do this? I don't want to spelling or gramatically errors on
my post, and notice this once I have posted. If I can't edit can I delete and
resend the post? If so how?



Mike said:
How do we edit our post in this newsgroup. If I make a mistake and
want to edit it how can do this? I don't want to spelling or
gramatically errors on my post, and notice this once I have
posted. If I can't edit can I delete and resend the post? If so

Sorry, once you hit send it's sent.

You can STOP using the horrid CDO, news groups are NOT made for web
interfaces, get a newsreader (you can configure Windows Mail as a news
reader) and check spelling and grammar before sending

Peter Foldes

Once the post is sent there is no way to do anything about it. You have to be careful and check and read your post before hitting the send button

John Inzer

Mike said:
How do we edit our post in this newsgroup. If I make a mistake and
want to edit it how can do this? I don't want to spelling or
gramatically errors on my post, and notice this once I have posted.
If I can't edit can I delete and resend the post? If so how?

There is no way to edit or remove messages...
as you can see from the following link...Google
has already archived your message.




John Inzer
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XS11E said:
Sorry, once you hit send it's sent.

The only option is to add your corrections in a reply to your own post or a
reply posted by somebody else.


Bruce Chambers

Mike said:
How do we edit our post in this newsgroup. If I make a mistake and want to
edit it how can do this? I don't want to spelling or gramatically errors on
my post, and notice this once I have posted. If I can't edit can I delete and
resend the post? If so how?


Once a message is posted, it cannot be edited. Nor can it
realistically be deleted. It can be removed by the administrators of
the servers on which the newsgroup is replicated, but you'd have to
contact those thousands of administrators individually to make the
request; it's just not feasible.


Bruce Chambers

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