A Recordable CD Dirve Was Not Detected



I just got my new computer and it cames with windows XP SP-2 so I also get
Movie Maker 2. I start playing with the product and when I tried to save my
project to a CD I got the follwing message "A Recordable CD Dirve Was Not
Detected", I look in the Mocrosoft Movie Maker Support webpage and the
solution they posted back in 2003 suggest that I shold remove de HP DLA
program, but I think that program it's needed for other reasons with my
CD/DVD burning process. Is there another solution to this problem?

I will appreciate any answer.


Bill Quinn

H. said:
I just got my new computer and it cames with windows XP SP-2 so I also get
Movie Maker 2. I start playing with the product and when I tried to save
project to a CD I got the follwing message "A Recordable CD Dirve Was Not
Detected", I look in the Mocrosoft Movie Maker Support webpage and the
solution they posted back in 2003 suggest that I shold remove de HP DLA
program, but I think that program it's needed for other reasons with my
CD/DVD burning process. Is there another solution to this problem?

I will appreciate any answer.


DLA is "Drive Letter Access" and it allows you to use a writable CD or DVD
like a floppy, dragging and dropping files directly to the drive or
specifying output files to the drive. It's handy but not necessary. DLA and
InCD are frequently a problem with other software such that output to disc

It's one reason I've found to keep a separate, less powerful machine for the
mundane tasks and use the other strictly for video.


But before disabling the DLA there are other easier possibilities.
One is simply to ask you are using a blank CDR not DVD/R correct?
The other is to open "My Computer" and right click on the drive.
Select "Properties" and click the "Recording" tab
Make sure there is a checkmark next to "Enable CD recording on this drive"

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