9800 Pro run on HP?



I have a HP computer (a620n) pretty much just the way it comes out of the
box except I added 512 ram to make it 1 gig and I put a better modem and
sound card in it. It's an AMD Athlon 3200+ CPU and running XP Home with SP2.
I know
nothing about the different mb's and what kind I have in my computer. I see
different posts in here of people talking about compatibility of different
video cards and mb's. How can I find out what mb I have and will the 9800
Pro work with it?

Thanks for the help,


Avid Gamer

Do a google or go to HP website how hard is that ?? all the board
needs is an AGP slot, does it have one ?

Berti Ferranti

all the board needs is an AGP slot, does it have one ?

Well duh Avid, it runs an Athlon 3200+.

regards Berti


It may need a better power supply too.


Avid Gamer said:
Do a google or go to HP website how hard is that ?? all the board
needs is an AGP slot, does it have one ?


It will run it fine. As a matter of fact, HP has its own
version of the 9800 Pro, but I don't recommend any
of the HP versions of commercial cards ( SoundBlaster,
etc ) ... generally they are altered to work with something
specific to the HP box. Does that box have that super-
fast ram? If it does, you are in for a pleasant surprise.
It will scream. I have 41 HP Kayaks with cpu about
660 megabit. In an image transfer, those boxes move
data at over 300 megabytes/min ... as compared to
a lab of P4 / 1.8 megabit boxes which move image
data at 178 megabytes / min. They have ddr333 ram.
HP knows what it is doing.




Avid Gamer said:
Do a google or go to HP website how hard is that ?? all the board
needs is an AGP slot, does it have one ?

Thanks for the imput. I'll do a search to see what kind of power supply I
have before I ask any more stupid questions.
Also I forgot to add that my main reason for considering the 9800 Pro is for
the TV\VIDEO IN\OUT capabilites. I'm not a gamer but from reading a little
on the 9800 Pro it seems to be top-of-the-line card for my purposes and I
was just asking in general if someone might have have a system similar to
mine that has the 9800 Pro and could give good or bad input from actual
Thanks again,

Berti Ferranti

Also I forgot to add that my main reason for considering the 9800 Pro is
the TV\VIDEO IN\OUT capabilites.

Careful now : VIDEO IN is only featured on special (and a lot more
expensive) All-in-Wonder models, which also come with a TV tuner. If you are
looking for TV-OUT (and I agree, it's one of the most awesome features
EVER), then just about any Radeon card will do.

regards Berti

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