8GB missing from my hard drive, please help me reclaim it!



Last night I deleted a folder with about 4GB of DVD files in it. When I
deleted it, Windows said it was too big for the recycle bin, and asked
if I wanted to permanently delete it. I said yes, and the files
disappeared, but I didn't gain back the hard drive space. This also
happened a few nights ago with a 4GB DVD image file. I've tried
emptying the recycle bin, but it is already empty.

I've had this problem in the past on my desktop computer, but after
clearing the Norton recycle bin, the space always comes back. But I am
now having this problem on my new laptop, and it doesn't have Norton
installed. It does have McAfee on it, but I can't find anywhere that
McAfee saves files like Norton does.

I'm running XP Media Center Edition 2005, SP2. My hard drive is 80GB,
and I've got 512 ram.

I posted this question on a website, and I got a few suggestions, but
none of them helped. So far I have ran CheckDisk, I've disabled System
Restore, I've ran the Disk Cleanup Wizard, and I have defragged the
hard drive. None of this has helped.

Does anyone have any ideas what this could be? I'd really like to
reclaim my hard drive space, and ensure that this doesn't keep

I would REALLY appreciate any help or suggestions!

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Last night I deleted a folder with about 4GB of DVD files in it. When I
deleted it, Windows said it was too big for the recycle bin, and asked
if I wanted to permanently delete it. I said yes, and the files
disappeared, but I didn't gain back the hard drive space. This also
happened a few nights ago with a 4GB DVD image file. I've tried
emptying the recycle bin, but it is already empty.

I've had this problem in the past on my desktop computer, but after
clearing the Norton recycle bin, the space always comes back. But I am
now having this problem on my new laptop, and it doesn't have Norton
installed. It does have McAfee on it, but I can't find anywhere that
McAfee saves files like Norton does.

I'm running XP Media Center Edition 2005, SP2. My hard drive is 80GB,
and I've got 512 ram.

I posted this question on a website, and I got a few suggestions, but
none of them helped. So far I have ran CheckDisk, I've disabled System
Restore, I've ran the Disk Cleanup Wizard, and I have defragged the
hard drive. None of this has helped.

Does anyone have any ideas what this could be? I'd really like to
reclaim my hard drive space, and ensure that this doesn't keep

I would REALLY appreciate any help or suggestions!

Either of these tools will tell you what's eating up your disk space:
Bullet Proof Folder sizes: http://www.foldersizes.com/

Richard Urban

What Norton/Symantec products are you running on your computer?



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Richard Urban

Yes I did. And my question to him still stands! His answer will determine my



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Richard Urban

Sorry. Sleepy as I have been up all night!



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Last night I deleted a folder with about 4GB of DVD files in it. When
I deleted it, Windows said it was too big for the recycle bin, and
asked if I wanted to permanently delete it. I said yes, and the files
disappeared, but I didn't gain back the hard drive space. This also
happened a few nights ago with a 4GB DVD image file. I've tried
emptying the recycle bin, but it is already empty.

I've had this problem in the past on my desktop computer, but after
clearing the Norton recycle bin, the space always comes back. But I am
now having this problem on my new laptop, and it doesn't have Norton
installed. It does have McAfee on it, but I can't find anywhere that
McAfee saves files like Norton does.

I'm running XP Media Center Edition 2005, SP2. My hard drive is 80GB,
and I've got 512 ram.

I posted this question on a website, and I got a few suggestions, but
none of them helped. So far I have ran CheckDisk, I've disabled System
Restore, I've ran the Disk Cleanup Wizard, and I have defragged the
hard drive. None of this has helped.

Does anyone have any ideas what this could be? I'd really like to
reclaim my hard drive space, and ensure that this doesn't keep

I would REALLY appreciate any help or suggestions!

8 Gig is 10% of the 80 Gig: That sounds like the default setting for
Norton's GoBack program. Any chance you have that installed? I've noticed
that it's not always calculated in the disk space in most instances.

If you have GoBack, my guess is turning it off, which deletes the 8 Gig set
aside, will return the space to you.
Or another app that does about the same thing. Restore does too, but you
said you've already stopped it, so it's not that.

Can't think of anything else at the moment.



Richard said:
Yes I did. And my question to him still stands! His answer will
determine my response.

AFAIK, only GoBack in the NOrton apps sets aside 8 Gig. What else might do


I was more than a little surprised to hear the following from
Last night I deleted a folder with about 4GB of DVD files in it. When I
deleted it, Windows said it was too big for the recycle bin, and asked
if I wanted to permanently delete it. I said yes, and the files
disappeared, but I didn't gain back the hard drive space. This also
happened a few nights ago with a 4GB DVD image file. I've tried
emptying the recycle bin, but it is already empty.

I've had this problem in the past on my desktop computer, but after
clearing the Norton recycle bin, the space always comes back. But I am
now having this problem on my new laptop, and it doesn't have Norton
installed. It does have McAfee on it, but I can't find anywhere that
McAfee saves files like Norton does.

I'm running XP Media Center Edition 2005, SP2. My hard drive is 80GB,
and I've got 512 ram.

I posted this question on a website, and I got a few suggestions, but
none of them helped. So far I have ran CheckDisk, I've disabled System
Restore, I've ran the Disk Cleanup Wizard, and I have defragged the
hard drive. None of this has helped.

Does anyone have any ideas what this could be? I'd really like to
reclaim my hard drive space, and ensure that this doesn't keep

I would REALLY appreciate any help or suggestions!

Also bear in mind that 80 'marketing gigabytes' are the equivalent of approx
76 real gigabytes, which might explain 4 gb of it.

80,000,000 / [ (1024)^2 ] = 76.29


Also bear in mind that 80 'marketing gigabytes' are the equivalent of
approx 76 real gigabytes, which might explain 4 gb of it.

80,000,000 / [ (1024)^2 ] = 76.29

Oops... a few more zeroes required

80,000,000,000 / [(1024)^3] = 74.5

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