64bit question




Will the 64bit edition of Vista (or XP for that matter) be able to run 32
apps. IOWs, can 64bit run all legacy 32bit apps or is that up to developers
to do that.

Thanks from one who is unsure how this really works :).

Mark Dietz

It will be able to run nearly all programs, however, there are still some that
will not run in the x64 environment. What program(s) are you wondering about as
we may know if they do/do not work already.

Zack Uribe

Yes it should be able to run most.
I am running Oblivion 32 bit on x64.
MSFT actually installs both 64bit and 32 bit versions of IE by default..I
guess some sites/add ons will not work with the 64 bit version yet.

Colin Barnhorst

Correct. The lack of 64-ActiveX controls on almost all sites is why the
32-bit version of IE is included.

Mark Dietz

Windows Update (the website) doesn't work with the 64-bit browser, neither does

Colin Barnhorst

There is a hitch with some 32-bit software. Some devs still use 16-bit
installers so you have some apps that would run if you could only install
them. Apps that use 32-bit drivers are another problem. On the whole, most
apps, including games, are fine.


Thanks to all who replied (that was fast too). To Mark's question regarding
any specific programs, etc, there are none really, as I was just wanting to
get a general idea regarding the differences. Next year I will be getting a
high-end PC (gamer here), and was thinking along the lines of the 64bit
system with 6gigs of RAM. I know enough that 32bit systems can only address
up to 4gigs of RAM (among other things).

Colin Barnhorst

Another of the ironies is that MS had to do an IE6 agent string before folks
in beta 1 could use IE7 to access MS chats and live meetings.

Colin Barnhorst

XP x86 cannot see 6GB without some additional switches in the boot.ini, but
will still run on such a box without them. There is no inherent reason that
Vista x86 wouldn't work fine whether it addressed all the ram available or
not. I see a nice dual-boot Vista machine in your future.

Gary Mount

Windows Update is now built into the Windows Vista operating system instead
of accessing it through a web browser.

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